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Does it Meta


Nov 7, 2016
Ok I just wonder if people are aware, and if not probably then you probably should cut the meta data from your phone pictures before uploading.

Every picture taken has some information stored inside itself such as the date, what it was taken on, colour profile etc. Did you know that if you take a picture on your phone it also can store your location inside your pictures (longitude and latitude)

With some of the lovely stuff we have amongst us, We don’t want to be broadcasting where we keep it all.

I always have used Metadata cut on iPhone free app (with adverts inside) which works great.

I thought I would post this for those who don’t know about it.
Yeah mate. Have heard, and its actually true, that some crims trawl social media sites, especially like face book and that type, for info.
They see someone post a picture of their new $25000 home entertainment system, or luxury car. They keep watching, have a watch list, and then they see "oooh, holidays time, here's me getting ready, here's me going out the door, here's me boarding the plane". They get their address from the geo tag on the home photos by using the long and lat on Google earth and now its.... Here's me dingbat robbing you.
Another use is pedo's, trawling social media for pics of kids that take their fancy and doing a similar thing to find where they live.
One very sick world but that's what we live in now and the price paid for our technology.
So true, meta data can be very handy but is so easily abused.
Funnily enough, your post prompted me to double check some of my own settings. I'd forgot to check them all when I not long back replaced my phone, my last one everything was off. This still had a couple on which I forgot. So a timely reminder perhaps. :thumbup:
@Rob sorry can’t remember the other mods that deal with the site.

Is there a chance that a meta data removal could be applied to each picture uploaded via the site?
Thanks for this, I just checked mine and it's off too.

On an Android phone it's pretty easy to check / turn off. Go into your Camera app, click the gear icon to go into settings, scroll down to Location tags and make sure it's turned off.
Thank you @rawhead on the iPhone / iPad if you want to turn it off permanently then

goto into Settings, then go into Privacy, then go in Location Services, then goto Camera, and set to Never.

For those like me who use the GPS data from pictures for certain things, you can get Apps from the App Store that will remove Meta Data I personally use Metadata Cut hen I need to upload something.

Metadata Cut - View and Remove Metadata by Platinum City LLC

But please remember a lot of digital cameras may also have GPS built in so would be best advised to remove the GPS location data with an App for your PC or Mac
But would be handy if those Ape geniuses could also have a meta data stripper on upload, just encase.
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