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Complex coils or plain round wire in your RBA?

The only atty I have built with round wire, 26awg kanthal, is my Snapdragon as that's what suits it best. The Mrs' K5 minis are all built with the same wire, and I only buy my wire from Stealthvape. I've got reels of SS316l, ni80, and Brochrome (which is excellent!) but not currently using any of it - I particularly dislike SS316l to work with!

Everything else has either got Smut or Coilology coils in ni80 - all are fused claptons apart from one pair that are Smut's aliens.

It really depends on how you vape as to what coils you use - embrace the choice!
Claptons or fused claptons for me.

Usually kanthal wrapped with nichrome.

In a mech I'll often put a plain wire of the same or higher gauge as the core in parallel to get quicker ramp-up and more rounded temperature (the plain 'stage' wire heats up faster and gets hotter than the Clapton).

That said I'm still working through the job lot of fused ribbon wrapped and ribbon fused from so all my drippers have them in.
Generally single strand wire. For wattage I'm leaning more towards ni80/brochrome. I've tried some basic clapton and flat clapton wires, but they don't do anything extra for my style of vape.
I'm playing around with TC at the moment as well. Haven't quite got the hang of it, but it works best for me as single strand spaced coils.
I prefer 24g Brochrome in most of mine, 3mm 5 wrap spaced for flavour, or if I want it cloudy it’s Coilology Aliens :)
All my atties are single coil - fused claptons are as fancy as I go & it's always always spaced.
Apart from Staircase wire in one 30mm rda for the titan mod and my scarab, I'm using plain old 26/32 NI80 clapton wire in tanks and my 24mm drippers, 24/32 NI80 clapton wire in the 30mm drippers.
Those of you using clapton wire, do you make your own or use the pre-made stuff?
Simple A1 Kanthal for me! Just started using Flat A1 Kanthal and I like that and am planning on building some claptons soon!!
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