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Wich MOD?

Same opinion here unless he really wants to do something stupid. The mod will measure the total resistance that reaches the board, this includes the coil, posts, 510 and internal wires to the board. That is the real reasistance and the mod needs to see that to deliver the correct power.
Some mods are designed to compensate up to a certain amount but no matter the mod whatever picks up ( considering the coil is tight and the 510 is clean) that is what you run with.
There is no good reason to adjust the ohms, unless you are using temperature control mode and have removed and replaced your tank when it was warm and the mod doesn't ask you whether you want to use the old or new resistance.

If you aren't in TC mode, and aren't telling the mod an already tested and known "cold" resistance reading for your TC coil, then you should not be "adjusting the ohms".

If you are "adjusting the ohms" whilst in power/wattage mode, then you aren't adjusting the ohms at all, all you are doing is lying to the mod about the resistance of your coil, resulting in the wrong voltage being applied to it.
Tesla WYE 200w dual battery version might be worth a look if your prone to dropping mods regularly
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