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[SOLVED] Nautilus AIO Filling the pod! (Any tips)

Needle tip might work, but for a slightly less expensive and quicker fill, sending the liquid down a sewing needle a few drops at a time can work, faster if youl090 use a straightened bobby pin or a safety pin. Helps to prop the tank up with two paperbacks so you can use
I bought mine this week, bemoaned the lack of a second air hole, hit the forums, tried everything I found without any real luck and then, OH YEAH, I've got years of Physics on my side here. The surface cohesion of vape juices is strong and a forced bulb of it will draw resources build on the bulb to fill the center before the other walls. Took less than 45 seconds with the bobby pin to fill the tank from near-empty and an additional 15 mins to register on these forums and to post this. :)
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