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Dca vs vape4me drip body


Staff member
Jul 11, 2012
I'm thinking of picking one or other up but can't decide which. I really like the look of the vape4me but was wondering if anyone has experience with these, especially when used with a 306. They are both a similar price and both seem to do a similar thing. Penny's are tight at the moment so I don't want to waste money on the wrong one, lol!
I reckon Mark has both! I have the DCA, and I cannot recommend it highly enough, the amount of different brands of 306s you can use in it is so far, for me, every brand ;) Be it Olympians, C9Vs own, or my mainstay, Bauways, and I have heard Ciscos fit, as do probably many more. It is easy as pie to set up too, and does the job.

I have heard that the vape4me is a bit like rocket science and is a bit less forgiving to different brand types, but this is only what I have heard, so I honestly couldn't say, it may be great for all I know.
I'm not a fan of the vape4me though I wanted to like it :(
Igetcha did a review and he liked it. Purplefowler, if you want it you can have it , sling me a PM and ill try and find all the bits ;)
Hmm that changes things abit. I really prefer the look o the vape4me but at the end of the day it's really about the performance :)
I had the vape4me, it was poor for using 306s. Was ok for 510s though. But I use mostly 306s and found the draw to be far too tight. Definitely get a DCA. Or better still, the stainless Greek version, though it is a bit expensive, will last longer than a standard DCA.
The DCA has weak threads, on purpose apparently so that the DCA threads wear out before knackering up your 510 connector threads on your mod. I personally find them a little too weak. Other than that I have no issues with my DCA.
Well I'm looking forward to trying Mark's vape4me. I'm pretty new to this dripping lark so I'll let y'all know how I get on with it :)
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