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A bit gutted...

Omg, I'm even more gutted I couldn't make it now! But I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has had anything to do with making vapefest the legend that it is, providing vapers everywhere a place to go and meet other vapers and see the vendors face to face! I hope I speak for everyone at potv in wishing the vapefest team the best of luck and love for the future!
Here here! Well said PF. Sounds like it was a fantastic event, wish I could have been there. Next year tho eh?
Yep yep they deserve a massive thumbs up for everything they did for vaping all over the UK, without them VF wouldn't have been possible :) Well said PF.

I hope that they decide to do 2013 VF, if not, don't know what's gonna happen. :(
I didn't go, but from what I've read it was a great event ............ Such events are intended to bring like minded people together, which certainly happened. You can't make people enjoy themselves, but it appears most did ............. those complaining are most likely not as like minded as most and begs the question whether they were there to be pampered and entertained or to meet fellow vapers :strawberry:
I think with an event that there is going to be a handful of complaints, the only one I see as valid was cramping the tent, but thats personal for me...panic attacks are embarrassing enough :)
Ugh tapatalk I wasnt done! But I one hundred percent understand why the tables were put into the tent! The majority said it was great and majority rules. I hope wayne and the vf team dont let one or two complainta stop thia for them!
I think what is being said is that there is no way they can raise the money for 2 tents for next year without using vendors dosh or charging entrance to the event and those things are against their principals. The talk about negative comments was only a remark at the end.

Sorry if I read it wrong but the article looked like it was saying that there was less than £2k in the kitty and £6k is needed. That's a big amount of money to be found for a free event and by volunteers.
So.. Scott,Fiona,Jeremy,Gingi,Garry and myself, Wayne have resigned as of now from Vapefest UK.

That's why I'm gutted. Wayne listed a few options. I for one can't see them handing 1500£ over to just anybody to take over setting up VapeFest... I don't see anyone coming up with the kind of funding needed for VF and VF wouldn't be VF if people had to pay to drive all that distance then pay to get in to look at stuff they can buy online.

I also can't see a single vendor taking it upon themselves to foot the bill... I don't get it at all to be honest. They did a brilliant job, sure there were some hiccups and you cant please everyone all of the time... I just don't understand it to be honest.
Organising any event is stressful, especially when you have to invest your own money as well as the time and energy that is needed.

It has got to the stage where for Vapefest to continue to grow, it probably needs more than a gifted and dedicated bunch of enthusiasts to make it work.

Wayne is an absolute gentleman and his post shows how passionate he has been but passion is now longer enough to sustain what people have come to expect without significant investment to support it.

The vaping world is getting bigger by the day and within the next 12 months I believe it will become big business. Let's let the businessmen and women organise events as they see fit.

Enthusiasts will always want to meet up and it will continue to happen, however one big National event is not really necessary. When the original Vapefest was organised, most people had never seen another vaper so it was primarily a social event.

Two years down the line, it is so different as it has grown so big, it is now seen to be more about the vendors and their products by a large percentage of the attendees, not the social side. That is not a bad thing but it really means that ECITA or some other vendor association should really be organising it rather than a bunch of enthusiasts.

Hats off to Wayne and please let him bow out with the dignity he deserves.
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