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Rose V2 Banter..

I keep a load of the wife's sewing pins on an old wire card in my vape kit for coiling silica. TBH I find it the easiest of coils to do as you don't need to fret over hotspots and the like.

I've watched the Rose vid a couple of times and it looks too fussy for me - someone convince me otherwise because at the moment I'm not.

I love my Squape and my Kayfuns, hoping to buy one of Vaper Caper's unpronouncables...just not sure about the Rose.

The v2 is not fussy at all once you familiarize yourself with it .... much the same as any other atty.
If you can rebuild a Kayfun/Taifun/Squape etc, the v2 will be no problem ;)

If I, a young chap with Crap eyesight and the dexterity of a drunk elephant can build one, you can!
vapist mate.

I can't make a regular coil to save my life. Abandoning the vodoowool for microcoil and cotton.
Mawsley it's a bit of a fucker but it's worth it, and you know I wouldn't lie too ya. My first ever build was amazing, along with a couple others but loads took me a few attempts. My last couple have been perfect though.

my only bad thing to say about the rose is it get very hot!!!!!
ive gone back to using sensible wire and +ohm builds and it still gets quite warm. Oh, and it does tend to piss from time to time. But everything leaks in this game.
roballan get your coil fairly close to the cup base, maybe 2mm above or something. Bang on.
my only bad thing to say about the rose is it get very hot!!!!!
ive gone back to using sensible wire and +ohm builds and it still gets quite warm. Oh, and it does tend to piss from time to time. But everything leaks in this game.

Thanks, you've saved me £130.

The Squape never leaks and now I've sussed that if you don't tighten the fill screw all the way in on the new version of the Kayfuns neither do they.

FWIW, I expect an atty at that price to be watertight and deliver in every possible way. An Erlkönigin it is then :)
I'm not feeling the love for it yet. It took me ages to get the coil ends from the ceramic into the base. I've got it all working kind of but there's not much vapour, flavour's OK - not really all that and it's harsh on the throat. It whistles like a flute.

I'm not blaming the atty at all, this will all be because I don't know what I'm doing. I will take the time to suss it out but I wouldn't mind another Heron at the moment. Maybe I'm just disappointed because I built up in my head how good it will be.
I'm not feeling the love for it yet. It took me ages to get the coil ends from the ceramic into the base. I've got it all working kind of but there's not much vapour, flavour's OK - not really all that and it's harsh on the throat. It whistles like a flute.

I'm not blaming the atty at all, this will all be because I don't know what I'm doing. I will take the time to suss it out but I wouldn't mind another Heron at the moment. Maybe I'm just disappointed because I built up in my head how good it will be.

The Heron is something I'm really taken with - but I need a V3 to sit it on first
The Heron is something I'm really taken with - but I need a V3 to sit it on first

I love everything about mine. Not had a single problem since the very first build. I know what you mean about it on a v3 but it looks great on a Paps X with the converter as well.
I love everything about mine. Not had a single problem since the very first build. I know what you mean about it on a v3 but it looks great on a Paps X with the converter as well.

But I have the Squape on on X and the Taifun on the X Lux. Every mod has to have its own atty :D
What's peoples' preferred setups in these? I've done it with a 1.5ohm microcoil and cotton, is silica better?
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