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Asmodus luna squonk at sourcemore for 30 dollars, RSQ or inbox V3. Paired with a clone skyfall ya can't go wrong imo for the money
You could go for the Luna as mentioned above. 3AVape also have the pumper for under £40. I now have 6 Luna's and 2 pumper 18's. You won't find a Stab wood mod for the Luna/Pumper price plus they are both semi regulated mods. If a regulated mod is what you want the Lost Vape Drone 250c is a great piece of kit for around £70. Duel battery upto 200w. and a chipset that will not let you down.
I've found the wismec luxotic df dual 18650 squonker amazingly easy to live with.
When it came out it was incredibly pricey at around £100 but it's knocking around China for £30-40 now. Comes with the blindingly good guillotine rda too.
Incredibly compact, plenty of power and it just works flawlessly.
Sometimes on first view there's nothing incredibly outstanding about a mod but after a while you find it's the one you pick up most.
I've a few dual cell squonkers here but I always pick up the DF if I've a thick old juice to test. Much shorter than any of the other dual cell squonkers.
It's a bit like the therion 75c. It's pretty enough and you can't fault the board but bizarrely I much prefered the fuchai squonker. As small as most single cell mods but took a 21700 cell. Again easy to live with and worked well. The preset tc stuff was wildly out but it had tcr which I always use for tc anyway and that worked perfectly.
If I'm honest I use the inbox's pretty consistently for squonk work as I prefer the old DNA 75 board and they just look so classy.
Ive had god knows how many squonks. have around 10 atm, The one I use 99% of the time is the Topside Dual, mostly because of the fantastic filling system. Currently got the Asgard mini on there and its fantastic. For single cell I use the THC Thunder Storm or the Wismec Luxotic BF.
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