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Done it finally what I ment to do last year get a Zora S

Few progress pics
Seriously impressive this.
Have just been checking out his Instagram and YouTube as a result.


That's why I chose him, I first found Aldin on UKV forum where he had his list up which I got on but then asked to be taken off. After that I started following him on Insta then after joining the fb group I asked to be put on the list also he noticed the amount of likes I'd put following him Instagram so he was very happy to make me a Zora S and now it's finally happening
Thats a blooming gorgeous blank right there mate. Might be dropping him a message myself. Thats gonna be one good looking sqwanker mate.
Can't wait to see it finished; there's such an amazing 3D effect between the resin and wood [emoji7]
Looking forward to seeing this one finished.
Have seen some of his work with Robs mods and they are always beautiful.
About time I showed off this piece of squonk art made for me by Aldin Mods my personalised Zora S #124 and @Rob what a top guy Aldin is. It has been such a pleasure dealing with him it has made the experience of getting a custom made mod worth every penny and more. I wasn't planning on taking it out of the house but I'm finding it hard to put down. The quality of work he puts in is perfect, he even made the button to keep the flow of the red resin running through.....amazing work
Anyway here it is and all I can say is if anyone is thinking of getting a squonk mod of this style amd he does do other mechs too whether it be wood, stab or hybrid then I'd highly recommend Aldin mods
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