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In praise of the Reload X

That particular variety is ok Stew. It's a Moija clone, which are the new kids on the block but normally decent.
Perfect thanks boss.
I.was told to steer clear of the more expensive model as it isn't 1:1.
Your a gent and ordered.
I like the deck and the airflow, just wish it was a tank and not a dripper.
Combine it with a squonk mod and you've got yourself a 7ml tank. That's my plan anyhoo.
I'm trying to stay away from squonking as my wallet is on it's last legs with 'normal' vaping. :D
I'm trying to stay away from squonking as my wallet is on it's last legs with 'normal' vaping. :D
I tried dripping for year's. Just couldn't get on with it. Loved the Kennedy but I'm too clumsy to be loading around with bottles all the time.
Squonking was a lifesaver.
My Reload X arrived this morning and I absolutely love it. Vapes like a dream. Haven't tried squonking with it yet so that is next but I'm expecting it to be just as good at that.

It's the easiest thing to coil as well, it took me literally a minute to fit both.
Five minutes spent rummaging around boxes and more boxes looking for a squonk pin; I asked myself in the shriek of a Jeremy Kyle guest: “What in all the levels of Dante’s Hell could have possessed OBS not to have included a pin?”

The thin Allen key should have given the game away sooner. That, or the unread instructions.

What a bloody brilliant atty this is. One minute a normal dripper, seconds later it’s a brilliant squonk atty - the high airflow holes preventing all but the clumsiest of squidges ending in mess. It’s like Batman, all black and two indentities. If Batman was a prostitute giving handjobs with a box of Kleenex. Well, not with the box - that would be pretty niche. No, in possession of the box. That.

Yep, it doesn’t have the clean steel lines of an elite dripper, but it cost the same as an aforementioned handjob. Not an arm and leg job. Again, pretty niche so I’m not sure where I was going with that.

More people should love this atomiser.

And death metal. More people should love that. Not because it’s good, just that they look the types who need more cuddles.
Thanks Mawsley. The Reload RTA is about my favourite RTA. Think I'll have to make this my next purchase. Reload fanboy
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