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Cthulhu Mod AIO Box Teaser

i don’t think you can get one. they have two gerbils churning them out and the most they can do is three in a week. the other alternative is lopping your pinky off.

Bukra filmishmish
Got mine today from Steamisland. Initial impressions are good. Looks, size, weight, colour and build quality all a big tick. Gonna put a build in the RBA soon.
Great little device. Love it already. The RBA is not bad. Easy to build and flavour and draw pretty good.

So a bb boro works in a supbox or this, but not the other way around?
No the supbox boro tank will work in the billet box and vice versa the mod that doesn't is the abyss as the bridges in the abyss have a lip at the top so you can't push them through a boro tank
It's from the Cthulhu Mulan RDTA. Don't think you can buy them separately unfortunately.
Just rewicked, pushed the coil down a little also and now TS very decent. Shut the airflow right off and good MTL and flavour
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