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Cotton allergy. Who knew.

To throw in another spanner

Rayon/cellucotton gives me a sore throat/ headache and makes me wheeze
To throw in another spanner

Rayon/cellucotton gives me a sore throat/ headache and makes me wheeze

It just shows how we are all so different. In medicine it is commonly seen that you can give the same medication to patients with the same condition and it will work with some and not others. I guess that's why we enjoy this vaping lark, each of us trying to find our individual sweet spot.
... or you could find that you are allergic or react to one of your tanks (me)

Good luck in sorting it out, hope you find a suitable alternative soon
@Lee ‘s custard sends me to sleep for about 15 hrs, not sure if it’s the nicotine lvl or Muji cotton.
So i'm waiting on my rayon, but how do I use it?
Should I try and make the wicks the same as I do with muji, or do I use it differently?
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