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“Mouth to lung”

How about in German: Mund zu Lungen
I carried on that thought and tried translating 'mouth to lung' into Russian (рот в легкие or 'rot v legkiye') ........ and ended up with loads of videos that looked like this! It does at least reveal what it is we're not keen on with the 'mouth to lung' name though! :D

You know I'm not clicking on that video ;)
go on.jpg
LOL, I just know if I don't get my ass in gear, there'll be no MTL action for me for a while. I'm down to my last dregs of liquid now and severely lacking motivation to get the nitriles strapped on.
TBH I just have wee routines I stick to, avoids f*ck-ups, like putting the nitriles on when I mix and building atomisers on the resistance meter. I just know that if I lazy-arse it, that'll be the time it bites me.
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