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When do I replace my coils? Not cotton...


Oct 10, 2015
I've been building on several rba decks for a few months now and usually when I replace the cotton I will replace the coils aswell. However recently when rewicking I have been leaving the old coils in place and just replacing the cotton.

As long as they are still glowing and firing properly is there any need to ever replace the actual coil?
As long as they are still glowing and firing properly is there any need to ever replace the actual coil?
spot on! and well done on your builds.
give them a good glow to burn what ever builds up on it, rewick and use it until you see significant change in resistance or simply get bored of it.
I am usually change mine once every month or so as I have eachy hands to build a new coils....
I find that a coil lasts many months, sometimes they will burn out and snap at one of the legs during a dry burn,
I really would not know how old some of my coils are.
New coils, I find do vape better, so I am sure it is worth building new coils more often than I do.
If it works, I use it.
I usually try and replace my coils at least once a month, with my baccy juices I find the coils get a bit funky and often this builds up on the legs that a dry burn doesn't get to.
I light brush and blow with an old Teepee (interdental brushes) does the trick.
As long as a coil isn't being thrashed they last aaaaaaaages. As you say dry burn on the rewick and crack on. I've started using a tank more than i normally would and i swear its making me lazy - out of sight out of mind kind of deal, rewicked the other night and was shocked by the gunk. Burned off in about 3 seconds, good as new.
I take mine out once a week, when i redo the cotton, and blast them over the gas ring. Usually last about two months until a leg falls off or the outer clapton wire goes a bit slinky.
I change the coil when it has become completely hidden by a thick crusty layer of black stuff
I've got several RDA's and I rebuild 2 a day, but I'm addicted to building I think. I've heard stories of people going 3 months with daily usage! Replace the wicks every 2 days and dry burn them to clean the crap and they'll last ages.
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