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Best super sub ohm build?

I know people who Vape 0.4 all the time, how do you reckon they avoid it going up like this?

0.04 that 0 after the . is everything....
Not recommended as the demands on even a fresh fully charged VCT5 is ridiculous..
It didn't dry out it was the liquid that caught fire, if you have ever oxidised mesh using juice you know that if hot enough the juice ignites...

Trust me, the wick was too tight, which meant it wouldn't wick fast enough. Long bursts are not recommended for super sub ohm. I vaped a 0.04 daily for a week, 3 to 5 second air cooled bursts max. No firing without sucking as the air cools the coils. Try it again, but shorted bursts, and suck on it instead of letting everything get hot. To ignite, the liquid NEEDS a hot spot, and you get hot spots from being dry.
The super-sub-ohm builds I've resumed using voodoo wool.It is fire-resistant so if the juice does ignite I simply cease firing & blow the flames out.

I'm in a huge sulk atm,rebuilt the Zenith @ 0.07 (triple,parallel 0.5mm dual coils)inserted the 4mm voodoo(tin foil round the end of the voodoo)and test fired to check coils lit evenly,and the lipo cells died(recharge needed)so put Zenith on my copper nemi with freshly charged 18650 and primed the RDA with DIY licorice+cherry.A few draws later,the juice started to taste like burnt rubber so removed cap & started removing the wicks...to find that they had started wicking up the melted insulator from the centre-post.Grrrrr!

I really do wish these fuckwit clone manufacturers would STOP using fucking shit plastic for the insulation,I bought a Mephisto clone that has PEEK insulators & it cost less than the fucking Zenith.
Come Tuesday I'll have 20awg haywire gplat, and 22awg royal to play with. Gonna do a twisted 22awg royal Parralel with 20age haywire. Hoping for 0.03 ohms...

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