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Best super sub ohm build?

Awesome cheers. I'll just get some 22awg royal for now and see what I can knock up. I guess you use a drill for a tight twist?

Yeah, I use a hand drill and twist it until the wire is able to reverse the drill xD
Yeah, I use a hand drill and twist it until the wire is able to reverse the drill xD

I'll see if I can pick up a hand drill some time this week.

I want a good cloud chasing build before I head back up to liverpool. I get on well with the guys in my local vape shop there and I've not seen them in a while. One of the guys considers himself a bit crazy having his dripper at 0.25, I want to have something to show him!
I'll see if I can pick up a hand drill some time this week.

I want a good cloud chasing build before I head back up to liverpool. I get on well with the guys in my local vape shop there and I've not seen them in a while. One of the guys considers himself a bit crazy having his dripper at 0.25, I want to have something to show him!

Hahahaha xD
I remember thinking 0.5 was low... now I daily vape builds a tenth of that...
I used to think Raguri was insane vaping below 0.2 ohms, but recently I've been thinking about it and found myself creeping lower and lower until I'm also at 0.12 ohms. My only problem these days is getting the coils to fit the RDA's without catching on the cap.

I definitely won't be buying gplat wires, they are too expensive for me(gf keeps bending my bloody ears about £3 for a bottle of flavouring ffs)

posted by an unauthorised idiot :P
A dremel type device is really good for twisting wire, you can sometimes pick up a good cheap one in Lidl and Aldi. Better than a drill because the speed is easier to control and less hard work than doing it by hand.
I've just made a pair of dual parallel coils. Six wraps each on a 14 gauge needle with 27 gauge Kanthal A1. Measuring in at 0.12 ohms on a Vape Geek ohms reader. Fitted to a Stillare RDA and a s/s GP Paps mod (both clones from M-Vapes). Sony VTC5 18650s, naturally. Using my own 3mg 10pg/90vg Red Astaire juice.

I made the same build last week which weighed in at 0.15 ohms and then I got The Fear. I even posted on this forum about it and got a bit of a telling off for being stupid. After a few more days reading up, I made a new set of coils and decided to commit. I've been vaping most of the afternoon on it. I'm getting some mild heat on the fire button but it's not bad. I'm also only doing three to four draws at a time then giving everything time to cool back down.

So far, so good. Vapour production is intense. I think I might like this.

flying over your house,
a guy called xib
I daily vape a 0.4 at the moment, which is pathetically high compared to what I see now. I want to sit at between .1 and .2 as a daily vape in a dripper and sub .1 for pure cloud chasing.

Just scared to put it on a nem as it does get hot.
I daily vape a 0.4 at the moment, which is pathetically high compared to what I see now. I want to sit at between .1 and .2 as a daily vape in a dripper and sub .1 for pure cloud chasing.

Just scared to put it on a nem as it does get hot.

Angelfiremods manhattan clone, or greyhazes.
Has actually outlasted a genuine manhattan xD
Angelfiremods manhattan clone, or greyhazes.
Has actually outlasted a genuine manhattan xD

I've heard the clone is good, it's a big chunky bastard as well which I like. Was considering making my own. Measured up completely for a patriot with a vtc5 in it. that's way minimal thread. No threads in 510 connector. Just a removal switch for taking the battery out.

The way I see it, the more copper and the less threads = better connections and less voltage drop.

It'd require some serious design work and some money on getting it CNCd but I have 7 years experience with computer design and machining products so it might be worth a shot.

That or I design a mod purely for cloud chasing and sell it. I dunno
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