Sub-Ohm Tank Reviews

Youde Goblin Mini V3

Following on from the Goblin Mini V2, which was released early this year, Youde have just released the Goblin Mini V3. Offering a bigger deck, dedicated dual and single coil decks, a 4ml extension tube, and best of all a redesigned airflow system and juice flow control promising to cut out the leaks which plagued the original Goblin RTA and the Goblin Mini V2. This should be the best Goblin to date!

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I've always been a fan of the Goblin and the Goblin Mini V2, however I felt both of them did suffer with leaking issues if you did not have your build completely spot on, which kind of ruined the experience a little. With the refined airflow system and new build decks included with the retail kit, the leaking issues seem to have been eliminated in my opinion, and the Goblin Mini V3 still boasts the same excellent performance in the flavour and cloud departments, making for a real top class RTA.

The refinements Youde have made make the Goblin Mini V3 an outstanding tank, capable of excellent flavour and plentiful vapour, with solid build quality and genuine mouth to lung and direct lung inhale options, best of all it’s available at great value for money as well. The leaking issues seem to have cleared up, I’m yet to experience any leakage from this tank, and the whole time I have used this tank I am yet to find any major faults, it’s just performed incredibly well.

Overall, it’s a great all in one performer, with near RDA level performance, and appeal to all sections of the market too, a small package offering you big performance and plenty of bang for your buck. I’ve got no hesitation in rating this the best Goblin RTA to date!  Thanks to the team at Youde we have 10 if these to give away - each with a 4ml extension tank.  We are going to give four away on the site here, four on the forum here.

We will also be giving one away to any of our Instagram followers. If you have an instagram account please make sure you are following us and then comment on this post We will draw the winner again when the news and guides comp closes.

To be in with a chance of winning the Twitter give away just make sure you are following us and then mention us (@pvapes) along with the hashtag #potvgivemeagoblinminiv3 and we will draw a winner at random.

Dan Willis avatar

Dan Willis

Reviewer at POTV
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Dan was an early adopter of vaping as a way to quit smoking and has seen and done pretty much all there is to see and do in the vaping world!  From Ego batteries to mechs and from rebuildables to pods there isn't much that Dan hasn't tried.

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