Sub-Ohm Tank Reviews

Horizontech Arctic Turbo

The Arctic Turbo also sports a coil configuration never seen before in any other sub ohm tank I am aware of, with three dual vertical coils placed independently of each other in the base of the tank, and the Arctic Turbo can be run with either one, two or all three of these coil heads in place, and Horizontech claim the coils can handle up to 120 watts.

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If you are looking for a high power tank with huge airflow that can really chuck the clouds, then look no further than the Horizontech Arctic Turbo, as this is quite arguably the very best of the bunch when it comes to flinging out the vapour! There’s not many tanks around that can match the Arctic Turbo on sheer vapour production, coupled with high VG juice and 80+ watts of power you’ll have in your hands a portable fog machine that can cloud a room out in seconds.

It’s good to see Horizontech have righted the issues raised with the original Arctic tank, with the Arctic Turbo providing coils of a much better quality this time, and a tank with a far better build quality that hasn’t leaked on me as yet. Plus, it can handle the high power, though it does get a little warm! If cloud chasing is your thing and you are looking for a tank that throws the biggest, and densest clouds, then the Horizontech Arctic Turbo is the one I would recommend!

This item was sent in to us to review by the team at Sparks Ecigs - as well as the online store they also have shops in High Wycombe, Aylesbury and another opening soon in Hemel Hempstead so pop in and see them if you live in these areas as they have a really good range of products in store. 

Dan Willis avatar

Dan Willis

Reviewer at POTV
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Dan was an early adopter of vaping as a way to quit smoking and has seen and done pretty much all there is to see and do in the vaping world!  From Ego batteries to mechs and from rebuildables to pods there isn't much that Dan hasn't tried.

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