RDA Reviews

Ghost V2 by Grey Haze

The Ghost V2 is a dual coil only RDA (Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer) exclusive to UK vendor Grey Haze. It is a fully authentic and original product designed to Grey Haze's own specifications. Featuring massive airflow for cloud production and a reduced chamber to maximise flavour, is the Ghost V2 as good as it sounds?

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The Ghost V2 is a dual coil only RDA (Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer) exclusive to UK vendor Grey Haze. It is a fully authentic and original product designed to Grey Haze's own specifications. Featuring massive airflow for cloud production and a reduced chamber to maximise flavour, is the Ghost V2 as good as it sounds? We shall see:

Ghost V2 Specifications

  • 304 Stainless Steel Construction
  • Tri-Pole
  • Upper Heat Sink
  • Spit back Protection
  • Adjustable Airflow
  • Dual extra wide adjustable airflow slots
  • Large post holes for low gauge or twisted wire types
  • 22mm Diameter
  • Copper positive pin
  • Reasonably deep juice well
  • Reduced chamber to maximise flavour
  • 100% original

What's in the box?

Packaged together in a purple coloured box with a foam inlay that holds the RDA securely, the following is included:

  • 1x Ghost V2 RDA
  • 1x 510 stainless steel drip tip
  • Spare screws
  • Spare O-rings

Ghost V2 Looks

In terms of construction this RDA is very well machined. Everything fits together extremely well. It is certainly quite unique in its looks with the upper top cap incorporating heat sinks. The Grey Haze logo is engraved on the airflow control ring but in the case of this RDA the "GH" could also stand for "Ghost."

The O-rings are nice and secure and the top cap is held firmly but at the same time is easily removed. The drip tip is a standard 510 one and is reasonably wide bore, it fits well with no wobbling. Every other drip tip I have tried with the Ghost V2 fits perfectly.

Inside the main chamber we have a standard three post design but there are some nice touches such as the very large post holes which will allow for a wide variety of possible builds. You will certainly have no issues fitting twisted coils in there. There is also a good amount of room and what with the large post holes I think this RDA would be quite approachable to someone new to drippers. It is of course dual coil only which might not appeal to some but for vaper's who may want to attempt to make a dual build for the first time this would be a good RDA to use.

What is really nice is that the screws are grub screws with Philips heads and I had absolutely no issues with them cutting my coil wire.

The well is reasonably deep but not massively so and you will certainly get quite a few hits before you need to refill, which you can accomplish by removing the drip tip or by removing the top cap.

The Cyclops style airflow slots are really quite gigantic and you will get a great deal of airflow with this RDA. The airflow is easily adjusted by gripping the heat sink top cap and twisting.

Inspecting the interior of the top cap you can clearly see it has a reduced chamber but there is still more than enough room in there for most builds and any overly large coils you put in there should have sufficient clearance.

How does it vape?

I built a dual coil using 26 AWG (0.4mm) Kanthal wire which had a final resistance of 0.5 ohm. I wicked as I always do with Japanese cotton. My devices of choice were my Dovpo TC-50 and my Sigelei 100w+. I tested the Ghost V2 with a variety of wattages, 30-50 watts on the TC-50 and 30-80 watts on the Sigelei.

I firstly vaped The Captain's Reserve Traitor in the this RDA which was very flavoursome and enjoyable and then I moved on to Manabush Coyote Coconut as well as Omusa. I have to say I love the taste of Manabush in this dripper and have been vaping away all day on it, although to be honest I love Manabush in general. At all times I have found the juice I have tried in the Ghost V2 to taste delicious as well as putting out a great deal of vapour

Given that the drip tip is only a standard wide bore one and that this device doesn't have any form of chuff cap the amount of vapour this RDA puts out is seriously impressive. Vapour is very dense with good clouds being produced. Fully opened up you can keep inhaling on this due to the massive airflow.

The real surprise is that even when fully opened up the vape is very flavoursome due to the reduced chamber design. It reminds me in some ways of the Magma RDA in that it puts out a very warm, dense and flavoursome vape but unlike that RDA which I always found to be very limited and far too tight a draw, the Ghost V2 has excellent airflow.

For those that want to increase the flavour the airflow can be conveniently closed down and it does become far more flavoursome but it is actually really good fully opened up, which is not exactly typical of many drippers.

The upper heat sinks work very well and keeps the heat away from your mouth.

You do tend to get some condensation on the interior of the top cap, in fact it is very much like the Magma in that regard and that condensation is prone to dripping out when you remove the top cap but I wouldn't say it is a major issue certainly it does not leak behind the AFC ring like the Magma did.

On the whole I haven't had a problem with this RDA actually leaking. If you were to fill it up and carry it around or just overfill in general then sure it will certainly leak on you.

For those people who hate spit back from juice I have had no such issues in this RDA and it is apparently designed to have spit back protection anyway.

I typically never tend to vape higher than about 75 watts but I thought I would just test the limits of the Ghost V2 and vaped it at 100 watts. The vape was extremely good and still quite flavoursome with a great deal of very dense vapour being produced and the heat sink does it's job.


A really good quality product, it's greatest strengths being the overall excellent machining and that it really does produce a lot vapour while retaining very good flavour.

A real benefit is that it is a very approachable RDA to a beginner. The only things I would suggest  if Grey Haze choose to make a version 3.0 of the Ghost then a single coil option in the airflow ring would make the product more versatile to a wider variety of users. Adding an option for a chuff cap would also really sell this heavily to cloud chasing fans who are after even greater amounts of airflow. Incorporating a four post design in the future might also be worth considering.

As it stands on it's own merits this RDA is something of a real bargain product and is typically priced at £19.99 but at present this RDA is in the Grey Haze sale for £15.99.

For this kind of quality you would expect to pay at least double that price for a RDA as decent as this. I honestly cannot find anything to really fault about this dripper.

Finally I would like to say thank you to Grey Haze who kindly submitted this item to Planet of the Vapes for review.

The Ghost V2 RDA can be found at Grey Haze:

Dave Junglist avatar

Dave Junglist

Reviewer at POTV
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Dave Junglist is co-owner of Planet of the Vapes and has been vaping since 2015.  He spent his early years with his head in a bass bin and was a very committed and experienced smoker.  He had his first cigarette at the age of 13 and just knew it was for him.  He did stop briefly with the aid of patches but reverted quickly and became a ‘secret’ smoker, working hard to keep his weak will from the attention of his family.  Vaping made an honest man of him and for this he is forever thankful. He has been involved in websites since completing a degree in Environmental Science in the late nineties.  At that time there was pretty much no contact with computers but on joining the regular workforce and deciding that the world-wide-web was the future he blagged his first job as a web designer and never looked back. As you would expect from a junglist, Dave likes his beats and is most comfortable when the bass is wobbly.

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