RBA Reviews

SQuape E[c] by Stattqualm

Based out of Switzerland, Stattqualm are a name synonymous with the high end vaping scene, thanks to the successes they have had with their SQuape series of rebuildable atomisers, such as the SQuape R[eloaded] and the SQuape X [dream], which have been a favourite of many users for a long time thanks to their exceptional build quality and the top quality flavour that SQuape tanks provide!

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Make no bones about it, even though the SQuape E[c] is a stripped down version of the SQuape E[motion], you aren’t really losing anything by purchasing the cheaper option! The SQuape E[c] is still an incredibly high performance tank, offering some of the absolute best flavour on the market as well as some of the best build quality I have come across on an atomiser.

At £90 in the UK, the SQuape E[c] is actually cheaper than most ‘high-end’ tanks on the market, even £10 cheaper than the Kayfun Prime. If you are looking at investing some money into a new, high quality RTA, then I would strongly recommend picking up the SQuape E[c] as it really is that good!

Personally, having experience of a lot of the high end expensive tanks on the market, I find the SQuape E[c] to be fantastic value for money. For what you pay, you are getting a tank that is built to last, and one that offers dripper level flavour quality. Since I have received it, I haven’t put it down, and it is a tank I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend!

A big thanks goes to Chris at Stattqualm for sending over the SQuape E[c] for review, this can be purchased in the UK here from Creme de Vape or from the Stattqualm SQuape store directly here. Additional accessories such as spare PMMA tanks and additional decks can also be purchased from both stores.

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Dan Willis

Reviewer at POTV
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Dan was an early adopter of vaping as a way to quit smoking and has seen and done pretty much all there is to see and do in the vaping world!  From Ego batteries to mechs and from rebuildables to pods there isn't much that Dan hasn't tried.

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