RBA Reviews

Kylin M Boro Tank

Antony is on a mesh rebuildable roll at the moment, this time looking at an interesting rebuildable mesh boro tank from Vandy Vape, the Kylin M Boro

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In recent months I’ve been getting really into my Boro devices so when I heard that Vandy Vape had released an innovative mesh rebuildable Boro tank, I just had to get my hands on one. Our friends over at Healthcabin have been kind enough to send over the Kylin M Boro Tank for me to try.


  • Boro device compatible
  • Mesh rebuildable deck
  • Honeycomb airflow
  • 3ml capacity tank

Vandy Vape Kylin M Boro Tank unboxing and contents

The Kylin M Boro Tank is available in black, stainless steel, and frosted grey, and comes in a neat little presentation box. I couldn’t believe how many extras were included when I opened the box.

On the top layer with the Kylin M Boro Tank itself, you’ll find:

  • A spare tank section
  • Two airflow adjusters
  • Delrin 510 drip tip
  • 510 adapter so you can dry burn your coils
  • Four mesh strips in two protective boxes

Additionally underneath all this there’s also:

  • A user guide
  • Two strips of 6mm cotton
  • A wide bore 510 nut
  • Spare screws and o-rings
  • A coil tool to shape your mesh strips

I think it’s safe to say that Vandy Vape have gone all out on this one especially at the relatively low cost that the Kylin M Boro Tank is being offered at. I’ve paid multiple times more than this for other Boro compatible tanks and got far less for my money!

Vandy Vape Kylin M Boro Tank spare tank

The inclusion of a spare tank section is really appreciated as I haven’t seen any spares offered separately yet. Changing the tanks sections out is easy as they are held in place with a large O-ring which has enough grip on the tank when it’s in place that I’m not concerned about it coming loose. With the stainless steel version I was sent for review, the spare tank is a slightly gaudy light pink colour (I suspect they were aiming for red!), whilst with the black and frosted grey versions you get yellow and blue ones respectively. The tanks feature a modern plug style fill port which is easy enough to access in Boro devices and has been fairly straightforward to use, I have found it’s easiest to hold it upside down whilst filling though.

Vandy Vape Kylin M Boro Tank airflow

The honeycomb airflow comes in from the sides and is directed down into the chamber towards your coil. I was worried that this would prove to be too restricted as the air inlets on most Boro devices are quite limited by their very nature, but in fact this is quite airy. Luckily there are two airflow adjusters included in the box should you want to add a little restriction. It’s a bit of a pain initially figuring out which airflow setup is going to work best for you as these slide into position from the bottom which means you have to take the whole tank out to change the airflow, but once I’d experimented a bit with my first build, I settled on the middle airflow option and that’s stayed in place ever since.

The sharp lines and fins down the side probably help a little here as well if you don’t have either of the airflow adapters fitted, but I suspect they’re more for aesthetics than anything else. They do probably help a bit with heat dissipation as well which is no bad thing as this can get a little warm in use.

Vandy Vape Kylin M Boro Tank inside

The build deck is easily removed from the bottom and here you can see the honeycomb airflow being directed in from the sides of the chamber along with two sizable wicking ports. That's right folks, this is a gravity fed wicking system which I think is possibly a first for a mesh rebuildable.

There’s a little bit of doming going on in the chamber and you have a fairly wide bore chimney (for a Boro device anyway). This is where that extra 510 nut comes into play by the way as it features a wider 4.8mm bore compared to the standard 3.7mm found on the Pulse Aio 510 nut. As I wound up using the middle airflow setting, I didn’t find that this made much difference, but if you’re running this wide open, you may want to make use of this.

Vandy Vape Kylin M Boro Tank build deck

Next we’re onto the all important build deck, this looks like your standard mesh rebuildable deck with spring loaded clamps and ceramic block except it's been shrunk down onto a sled like design to fit in a Boro device. Once again this is held in place with an o-ring and the tolerances seem pretty good, I’m not worried about the deck filling out and dumping a full tank of juice like I was with the Pulse Vessel rebuildable Vandy Vape released previously.

There’s a short positive pin with good insulation at the base, but this is far too short to use on a standard 510 connector so Vandy Vape have had to go down the 510 adapter route. I’d suggest keeping this in the box when it’s not in use as you’re pretty much buggered if you manage to mislay it later on.

Vandy Vape Kylin M Boro Tank mesh coil build

I love the way Vandy Vape ships their mesh strips in separate small plastic containers, all too often I’ve received mangled mesh strips when they’re just shipped unprotected in a small zip lock baggie inside the box, top marks for the clear markings on the packaging for not only the mesh strip resistance but the material as well (Kanthal, YAY!). There is a small tool provided to help shape your mesh strips and to do the initial install as well, so building is a doddle.

Vandy Vape Kylin M Boro Tank wicking

I found that the wicking was actually fairly straightforward. Cut the wick right up to the edge of the deck and then fluff the cotton working outward from the center to form a pancake/bow tie arrangement as shown (this will help remove any clumped up cotton). Finally give the top of the wicks a buzz cut so it’s almost level with the top of the coil.

Vandy Vape Kylin M Boro Tank primed and ready

With this finished, you can now saturate the cotton by slowly dripping liquid on the mesh strip and gently pulsing the coil at around 10 watts to help draw the liquid into the cotton. Once done, you can now fit the tank over the top of the deck. There shouldn’t be too much resistance putting the chimney down, and if there is then you have too much cotton so go back and trim a bit more off. You will need some tissue handy at this stage as you will get some liquid pooling on the outside edges as shown above.

Next onto the all important vape… after a bit of experimentation I found that with the 0.2ohm mesh strip and the middle airflow adapter fitted this gave me a perfect direct lung vape at 50 watts and the flavour is superb. The wicking keeps up great, looks like gravity fed mesh rebuildables work a treat despite what looks like little to no cotton. The 3ml capacity does mean that you’ll be filling up several times throughout the day, but surprisingly I haven’t actually found this to be too excessive on the e-liquid consumption front. 

Having just reviewed another mesh tank and having a bit of a discussion with a few of the other forum members on the merits of mesh rebuildables, I would suggest that these work best with fruity flavours. One of the forum members did suggest using the Wotofo Clapton “mesh” strips as this is his “go to” for the Kylin M Boro Tank, and this apparently is even better on the flavour front. Sadly this isn’t an option for me as I’m pretty sure those use a nichrome outer clapton wrap, feel free to experiment though.

One issue I did run into with the Pulse AIO I was using was that I had to raise the adjustable positive pin to get an accurate/reliable connection so I thought I best test this on a few other devices as well….

  • Billet Box (SXK Clone) read 0.25ohms but works fine (fixed +ve pin)
  • Aspire Boxx read 0.22ohms  and worked fine (sprung +ve pin)
  • Stubby AIO read 0.23ohms if supplied large bore 510 nut used. This benefited most from the increased airflow and I had to bump wattage up a bit (5 watts or 10%)

So it looks like it should be compatible with most devices which is something of a relief. For myself, I've been using a Pulse AIO as that relatively high 50 watts means I get the benefit of the extra battery capacity.


  • Easy to build
  • Consistent wicking
  • Tons of extras
  • Should work with most boro devices


  • Can get a bit warm
  • Only 3ml capacity


The Vandy Vape Kylin M Boro Tank is an absolute game changer, this has rapidly become my favorite mesh rebuildable. The large mass market production run means that Vandy Vape can offer this (including all those extras) at a super competitive price as well, and if you have a Boro device, I’d recommend giving this serious consideration especially if you like fruity flavours which mesh tanks excel at.

Many thanks to Healthcabin for sending the Kylin M Boro Tank out for review.

Vandy Vape Kylin M Boro Tank with Pulse AIO

Antony Lord avatar

Antony Lord

Reviewer at POTV
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I was a twenty a day smoker for 25 years and like most smokers I was always going to quit "next week". Having hit my mid forties and having the usual smokers cough and difficulty with anything more than moderate exercise it was obviously time to give up the cancer sticks. I bought my first e-cigarette in 2013 when they were expensive, difficult to find and quite frankly... crap. I used it for about a week then went back to the roll ups, mark up another failed quit attempt. The fact that I had just changed jobs and was under quite a lot of stress probably didn't help. Move on to 2016 and whilst I was browsing eBay I noticed that one of the suggested items that would occasionally pop up was for a cheap e-cigarette. It looked similar to the one I'd bought 3 years earlier but it was only £5 (about 8 times cheaper than before) so I decided to give it another go on a whim. Once the kit arrived I managed to gradually replace the cigarettes with my new kit over a two month period and got into watching YouTube reviews for newer kit. My cheap and cheerful kit was replaced by a more upmarket affair, and being a noob I made a mistake once it arrived... I put in the supplied direct lung coil, this was of course a complete revelation and I haven't touched a cigarette since. Oh and I no longer spend the first five minutes of every day having a coughing fit either.

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