Pod System Reviews

Aspire Breeze 2

Launched in 2017, the Aspire Breeze was a popular pod system starter kit, and it's successor in the Aspire Breeze 2 has just hit the market. Check out our review on it!

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It's a real shame that I got such little mileage out of the 1ohm U-Tech coil head, as this coil head was showing real promise. I'm not sure if the issue I had with this coil head is a wider ranging issue, or whether there are just a few bad 1ohm U-Tech coil heads in circulation. Only time will tell.

That being said, I was impressed with the performance from the 0.6ohm U-Tech coil head, the ability to adjust the airflow from a MTL to restricted DTL, and the very good battery life.

I'm left feeling that the Aspire Breeze 2 is probably best suited to a new vaper who has been vaping for a couple of weeks and is looking for something that offers a little more power, but with little fuss involved. It also holds appeal for more experienced vapers looking for a refillable pod system for high nicotine E-Liquids!

Many thanks to Aspire for sending the Breeze 2 in for review - you can check it out on their site here https://www.aspirecig.com/aspire-kits/aspire-kits508.html!  We have a competition to win one of these great devices, you can enter here https://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/competitions/win-an-aspire-breeze-2.html.

Dan Willis avatar

Dan Willis

Reviewer at POTV
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Dan was an early adopter of vaping as a way to quit smoking and has seen and done pretty much all there is to see and do in the vaping world!  From Ego batteries to mechs and from rebuildables to pods there isn't much that Dan hasn't tried.

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