E-Liquid Reviews

El Diablo Juice Range

We test out the new El-Diablo juice range and see if the flavour lives up to the hype.

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Phew, what a ride! I have to say that I have enjoyed reviewing these liquids immensely and I’m off now to order some more! If you love fruit, cakes, desserts and tropical goodness there is most definitely something here for you and you’ll take extreme pleasure in finding out. I almost wish I could wipe the memories away and discover these again but the surprise when vaping these never gets old. You can feel the inspiration from juice developer Viki’s father (the chef) coming through here in the taste and dare I say, texture.

There is something both new and exciting here that I feel will have a brilliant effect on the eliquid market as well as people looking to start vaping. If everyone made liquids like this, I would spend my days happily steaming away like a hot shower with a supermodel on a frosty, winter morning (I do already but you know what I mean). You can taste the care and love in these, especially the Passion Bomb (hubba hubba!).

I found that a week of steeping sent these flavours interstellar, although they took me to the moon from the get go. You’ll probably find that you won’t make it a week but more than enough reason to order more, I say!

If you want to try these you can find them from the El Diablo online shop in 10ml bottles but worry not! I’ve been told that 30ml bottles will be available to purchase from the 15th February 2015.

Also, don’t forget that in partnership with this review, this week we will be running a competition to win the full range of these liquids for your very own, but due to the kindness of El Diablo Juices we have not one, but two complete ranges to give away, meaning there will be two lucky people able to try these amazing liquids out for themselves. (If I don’t get there first!)

Second Image courtesy of Zee (BombVapes)



Toby Kilroy avatar

Toby Kilroy

Reviewer at POTV
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Toby has been vaping since early 2012 and has used an array of devices and kit in that time. He sometimes writes up reviews but is often found with his head stuck in pages of code with a confused smile on his face. Toby also helps run his wife's site gethistory.co.uk and has two children. He sometimes fondly remembers having free time and occasionally manages to sneak away to put his head into a good book!

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