One thing I have to remark on was just how clean tasting and authentic the Uncle Junk’s juices were. Absolutely nothing tasted artificial or harsh whatsoever, just a smooth, authentic and clean vaping experience whilst vaping the Uncle Junk’s Original Range! Throat hit was present even at 3mg on the juices that it suited, such as Hard Lemonade and Jon Wayne, whereas I didn’t detect any throat hit on the others and to be honest I believe it would have ruined the experience had there been any. Vapour production was absolutely excellent for an ‘approximate’ 70/30 mix, I spent many a pleasurable night reviewing this juices blowing incredibly tasty clouds in my Mutation X V4!
There are some definite all day vape contenders here, the balance of each mix was absolutely spot on and the flavour combinations refreshing, unique and delightful. The Original Range is really going to appeal to the fruit lover, and if you are one of those I really would recommend the Uncle Junk’s range, John Wayne being the ideal evening change of pace after a day enjoying the fruity delights provided by Uncle Junks and his Genius E-Juice...
Dan Willis
Reviewer at POTVDan was an early adopter of vaping as a way to quit smoking and has seen and done pretty much all there is to see and do in the vaping world! From Ego batteries to mechs and from rebuildables to pods there isn't much that Dan hasn't tried.
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