E-Liquid Reviews

Isle of Custard Full Range

Today we set sail for the Isle of Custard. Boasting an impressive range of 11 different custard eliquids. Produced not quite on the high seas (that would be cool) but on the Isle of Wight…

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Introducing the Isle of Custard

Golden treasure from the Isle of Custard.

After half a lifetime on the high seas, Cap'n Mackett and his Custardly Crew have silently dropped anchor off the Isle of Wight. In The Black Custard's holds are golden treasures - the finest flavours plundered from rich merchants and transformed by hearty blendin', plank swabbin' and plenty of cursin' into glorious Pirate Custard e-juice. Even now our Custardly Crew are smuggling these treasures into a hidden cove on the island, ready to supply vapers with no scruples about buying the richest juices at the keenest prices.

Our terrible Captain is a true man-o-custard and likes to vape his rich, golden treasure whether he's forcing his weeping captives to walk the plank or just relaxing in his cabin plotting some new wickedness. But what does a dedicated Custardeer do when his palette grows tired of a favourite e-juice?  Cap'n Mackett's solution is simple. He orders up a different blend from our Custardly Collection and returns to his evil vaping.

In the ship's bilges, our Custardly Crew sweat away creating the Captain's nefarious e-juices. May the Devil help the wretched dog who fails to keep his barrels filled with each variety we offer.  The Captain demands his liquids available in four nicotine levels - 3mg, 7mg, 11mg and 16mg per millilitre of juice (equivalent to 0.3%, 0.7%, 1.1% and 1.6% nicotine by volume) - to suit the lusts of his villainous guests. He also supplies a choice of Vegetable Glycerin to Propylene Glycol ratios (VG:PG) of 50:50 or 70:30 for those who like more fog. The Captain recommends leaving his liquids to mature for at least 10 days - a month is even better - to allow the full flavours to develop.

We try to smuggle our golden treasures ashore and into the postal system on the day they are ordered, but if our Custardly Crew mutinies or the Black Plague strikes our ship, they may take a day or two longer to prepare. But don't complain to the Captain unless you wish to take your tongue home in your pocket…

Ever since I heard of Isle of Custard, through positive word of mouth feedback, I have been really keen to see what they have to offer - especially being (relatively) local to me.

Today we set sail for the Isle of Custard, boasting an 11 impressive custards, soon to be 12 when Custard Clouds Ahoy (an 80vg creamy strawberry custard) is released.  Produced not quite on the high seas, though that would be cool, but on the Isle of Wight, let's see what this range has to offer as well as, um, custard...

My Isle of Custard liquids were provided at 3mg nicotine strength, at a 70/30 VG/PG ratio. On the Isle of Custard site they state the liquids should be steeped for at least 10 days once received, ideally  they need a steep of a month. I tried these upon delivery and also steeped these for 4 weeks, and here are my thoughts on one of the most talked about E-Liquid lines in the UK right now.

Avast Ye Custard

"Our terrible Custardly Crew gorges on this smooth, vanilla custard with its luscious caramel and cream undertones before battle on the high seas. Victory and plunder are then assured."

I started vaping through the Isle of Custard range in alphabetical order, so my introduction to Isle of Custard came from Avast Ye Custard. There is a lot to get through here but my god, what a start! The custard base that forms the background to Isle of Custard is found in Avast Ye Custard, very creamy custard with cream and biscuit rounding it off, Avast ye Custard has to be up there with the creamiest vapes I have ever tried. Absolutely brilliant stuff.

Blackbeard's Blood

"To commemorate slaughtering his old enemy, the Captain commanded his crew to create a celebration custard rich in cream, biscuit and a serious dose of caramel. Our Captain weeps as he vapes in Blackbeard's memory."

Very similar in taste to Avast ye Custard, however the addition of biscuit makes this a winner in my book. It is also very similar to Son of a Biscuit Eater however adding a generous helping of caramel to the blend makes this a really moreish vape, I’m a sucker for caramel! It’s very full on and full bodied, the taste stays lingering on your tastebuds long after you have put this down.

Captain's Custard

"Cap'n Mackett's favourite vape. A sweet, creamy, vanilla custard with just a hint of golden ship's biscuits blended specially for the Captain's blood-stained table."

This has to be one of the top vanilla custards out there right now. I am pretty ambivalent to vanilla custard these days, being a custard aficionado I have tried a lot of vanilla custards in my time, and the market is saturated with them at the moment. Captains Custard is the first one in a long time that has really jumped out at me and is head and shoulders above a lot of the pretenders out there at present. Captain's Custard is so thick you almost feel like you are eating it rather than vaping it, the addition of biscuit in the background makes this a vanilla custard worthy of being crowned. In fact, it makes a very good claim to being king of the vanilla custards! Spot on, and definitely the best vanilla custard I have tried in a long time.

Captain's Custards Donut

"To calm the Captain's murderous rages, Filthy Mabel, our ship's cook, mixes his favourite rich, vanilla custard with cream and crams it into a donut. Now he sleeps like a baby."

Captain’s Custard Donut was one custard that strangely did not benefit from a steep. Before steeping, on the inhale there is a lovely, very well balanced, powdered sugar doughnut with rich vanilla custard on the aftertaste. And by rich, this is very rich! After steeping, all I got was a very light powdered doughnut taste and the custard seemed to disappear altogether. Shame, as before it was steeped, it was an extremely enjoyable vape, I love rich vanilla custard and this really hit the spot. Just goes to show that steeping a juice is not always beneficial. Of course, you may find this completely differs for you.

Cutlass Custard

"As sharp as the Captain's wicked blade, a slice of full-bodied, vanilla custard topped with thick, double cream makes a vape to die for."

Just like Captains Custard but with an extra shot of vanilla and extra helpings of double cream, Cutlass Custard is perfect for those custard lovers who love their custard really thick and creamy. Essentially, its Captains Custard with the volume turned up to 11 and the biscuit swapped out for more creamy goodness. This is very rich, very intense vanilla custard vape, and not for the faint of heart!

Fool's Custard

"One-eyed Molly, the ship's parrot, is fussy about what she vapes. Unless we give her a sweet, creamy custard with a lash of burnt sugar all made from the purest ingredients, she throws peanuts at us. (Guaranteed free from Diacetyl, Acetoin and Acetyl Propionyl.)"

Fool’s Custard is arguably, along with Captain’s Custard, the signature blend from the Isle of Custard range. Fool’s custard seems to love high wattage, I found the burnt sugar aftertaste a little muted at low wattage, however cranking it up to 35w+ really brought out the burnt sugar on the exhale. The custard tastes a little lighter here on the inhale, so it’s an ideal aperitif for me after vaping the heavier flavoured custards from the range.

Old Salt's Custard

"Sometimes, when our hard-blending Crew comes close to mutiny, the Captain orders up a barrel of his special vanilla custard with a rich toffee sauce. A few vapes later and the wretches are back to the pumps"

Well custard and toffee is a favourite combo of mine, and whilst waiting for Isle of Custards to make landfall Old Salt’s Custard was the one I was most looking forward to trying out of the range. It did not disappoint. Really thick toffee present here along with the Isle of Custard base, and I detect a hint of caramel in the background. Toffee lovers are going to absolutely adore this. The longer this is left to steep the more you will get out of it, as the toffee becomes more and more pronounced on the inhale as well as the exhale.

Pieces of Ape

"Up in the rigging, Cameron, the ship's monkey keeps a look-out for easy pickings. He likes his custard mixed with ripe bananas and a little dribble of caramel. And so do we."

I will be honest, Pieces of Ape was the one from the Isle of Custard range I didn’t enjoy, but then I am not the keenest fan of banana custard. The banana taste was a little too strong for me, more like banana foam sweets rather than banana itself, and the custard was more of an afterthought whereas the juice may have been more balanced if the banana flavouring was reduced slightly and the custard made more prominent. I didn’t pick up on any caramel, which is a shame, as that could have really balanced the flavours out. There did not seem to be much of a difference in taste to me after steeping Pieces of Ape.

Sea Dog's Custard

"After a hard day's plunderin', our Custardly Crew like to relax in the bilges, counting treasure and vaping rich, cream custard with a dash of sponge pudding. It reminds the dogs of their mothers back home"

Now, I am not a fan of sponge pudding to be honest! However, mixed with rich custard in Sea Dog’s Custard, I can toot on this all day long. I even pick up a hint of toffee as well, and the flavour of sponge pudding and custard has been perfected. I even popped down to my local shop for some sponge pudding (I always have custard in stock!) and Sea Dog’s Custard is more than an accurate representation of it.

Son of a Biscuit Eater

"Even a pirate grows tired of plain ship's crackers, so Filthy Mabel, our cook, raids her locker for specially rich biscuits and blends them with a luscious, vanilla custard and sweet cream topping."

Son of a Biscuit Eater is just so moreish. Once steeped, this is a perfect representation of a Custard Cream biscuit. This has become my number one custard cream vape, this would be my pick as an ADV out of the whole range. Despite being so rich, and full bodied, I never once got sick of vaping Son of A Biscuit Eater. An ideal accompaniment to a cup of tea! My favourite from the Isle of Custard line and one I will definitely be returning to!

The Ship's Doctor

"With scurvy laying waste to our Custardly Crew, our gallant Captain has added fruit to our diet. Fresh from the galley is a caramelised, crumbly eating-apple pie smothered in double cream and the Captain's favourite golden custard. A vape a day keeps our drunken ship's doctor at bay."

I am gonna throw it out there and say this is the best apple pie vape I have ever tried. The apple is absolutely spot on, no hint of artificial apple, it actually tastes like a proper dessert apple you would find in apple pie. The custard is more of a background accompaniment here but I am not complaining, as the fantastic apple pie takes centre stage along with double cream leaving you wanting more and more! This is as close to the real thing as I have ever tried before. I definitely recommend steeping this one, as the apple pie nuances really come to the fore after a good steep and gives the Ship’s Doctor more of a full bodied taste.

This has to be my favourite juice from the Isle of Custard range!


The most well rounded custard line on the market right now in my opinion. Isle of Custard has an awful lot of hype behind them in the custard vaping community and the moment and they certainly live up to it. The descriptions they provide for each juice are absolutely fantastic! Rich flavour is definitely a trademark here, Isle of Custard certainly hasn’t skimped on the flavouring, and as a result there are absolutely amazing, full bodied, rich and flavourful custard vapes.

Isle of Custards have an option there that caters for the most discerning of custard connoisseurs, and even the curious about custard, with an excellent mix of revamped custard classics and new (and improved) takes on custard recipes. Being a custard junkie, I try a hell of a lot of different custards, and I have found that an awful lot of the new stuff coming to market is unremarkable, it tends to be the same rehashed vanilla custard recipe with a different drop of flavouring here or there, but then something like the Isle of Custard range really makes you sit up and take notice. This is a vendor I will be going back to regularly as I found the range incredible, it has to be some of the most perfect custard I have had the pleasure of trying. The other pretenders will have to walk the plank I am afraid!

You can buy the Isle of Custard eliquids from their site here.  They have kindly given us a discount code for 10% off with the code POTV10.  There is also a competition open until 23rd May to win the whole range - you can enter here.

Dave Junglist avatar

Dave Junglist

Reviewer at POTV
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Dave Junglist is co-owner of Planet of the Vapes and has been vaping since 2015.  He spent his early years with his head in a bass bin and was a very committed and experienced smoker.  He had his first cigarette at the age of 13 and just knew it was for him.  He did stop briefly with the aid of patches but reverted quickly and became a ‘secret’ smoker, working hard to keep his weak will from the attention of his family.  Vaping made an honest man of him and for this he is forever thankful. He has been involved in websites since completing a degree in Environmental Science in the late nineties.  At that time there was pretty much no contact with computers but on joining the regular workforce and deciding that the world-wide-web was the future he blagged his first job as a web designer and never looked back. As you would expect from a junglist, Dave likes his beats and is most comfortable when the bass is wobbly.

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