Vaping News
Oil Go Back To Smoking
Employers face tough decisions on how to treat vaping at the workplace.
Vape Mail Fail
Big T company acts irresponsibly by sending out unsolicited samples in the mail
Neurons and nicotine addiction
Further research into nicotine and addiction highlights neurons in the brain
Vaping Brains
Scientists from Imperial College London have been using magnetic images of the brain to look at nicotine addiction.
Word of the Year 2014: Vape
The 2014 Word of the Year is - Vape
Ecig Advert Banned
New advertising guidelines leading to confusion over how vape should be portrayed.
The Advert and a Cast of Thousands
VIP advertise on ITV, some wish the ECIG was kept on the QT
Funding Research
Crowdfunding, Farsalinos, research and the formation of the E-Research Foundation
Ecig use cuts house fire fatalities
Recent press has been shouting out the dangers of electronic cigarettes and their risk as a fire hazard.
American Tales
Latest news from across the pond.