Vaping News
Thou Shalt Not Vape
Does your employer have the right to dictate how you live your life in your own home?
American Toddler Dies From Nicotine Poisoning
The tragic accident gives an important message to vapers about juice storage.
Taxing Problems
How much are legislators concerned for our health, and how much are they thinking about the potential revenue?
News from abroad across the pond
What weird and wacky things have been taking place in the USA this week?
Wells Fargo Securities’ 2nd Annual E-Cig Conference
There has been a major change in the public's appreciation of the severe hazards of smoking in the past three years, industry is moving to develop new products.
Fake VTC5 Batteries Confirmed
With Sony declaring that they do not make VTC5s, can we be sure of any claim to authenticity?
Who wants regulation?
It will come in some form, but who is going to benefit?
Turning Japanese (hearts and minds)
In the battle for hearts and minds genuine scientific evidence is crucial.
Banned On The Run
These are the global events of note this week.
Pay Per Puff Patents
An accusation often levelled at original manufacturers is that they have no patent protection, is this true?