Vaping News

Ross Responds

Louise Ross, National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training and Vice Chair of the NNA, responds to the 16 paediatric professionals in The Guardian

The Coordinated Threat

Vaping and tobacco harm reduction in the UK is coming under a sustained attack from a coordinated group of prohibitionists

End The Lies

The American Heart Association announces a “bold” program to end the lies, but isn’t talking about its own

U-Turn Trump

People power appears to have won the day as Trump runs scared from imposing flavour bans due to probable disaster in key election marginal states

NNA In Public

Representatives of the leading UK harm reduction charity the New Nicotine Alliance have been speaking at public events

Online Sales Attack

The American Senate is fast tracking a bill that aims to prevent the U.S. Postal Service from accepting packages containing vapour products

Pinoy No No

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte turns his attention to vapers and vaping - and it's not looking good

Communicating Risk

A team from the Centre for Addictive Behaviours Research at London South Bank University looked at the impact of the TPD health warnings on vape products

ASA Not Blu About Ads

The Advertising Standards Authority knocked back complaints about Imperial Tobacco’s Blu adverts

Vape UnAPProved By Apple

Tech giant Apple has decided to join the dark side of history by taking the decision to remove all vape-related apps from the online Apple store