Vaping News

Vaping News


More questions and answers relating to smoking, vaping and tobacco harm reduction in parliament

Vaping News

VPZ Celebrates Landmark Birthday

VPZ celebrates its 7th birthday with the announcement it will invest £12million in a High Street growth plan – promoting vaping to smokers and creating jobs

Vaping News

Research: Vaping Helps Smokers Quit

Farsalinos and Barbouni publish a study in Tobacco Control showing that smokers who vape are more likely to quit compared to those who don’t

Vaping News

Carry On Daily Mail

The Carry-On film series worked to a formula and found success in the same way that the Daily Mail regurgitates anti-vape nonsense for clicks

Vaping News

95% Safer Or Not?

The anti-vape brigade appears to have made the claim that vaping is 95% safer than smoking its primary target for 2020. Is it still valid?

Vaping News

Bethlehem Battlefield Lies

Bethlehem High School students have been inspired by idiots at Cornell University to conduct the mass slaughter of protozoa by dumping eliquid into water

Vaping News

Derriford Welcomes Vaping

Derriford Hospital, a large teaching hospital in Plymouth, has welcomed vapers as part of its policy to reduce smoking and ban cigarettes from the site

Vaping News

Irish Cancer Society Lies

The Irish Cancer Society has decided to promote cancer by opposing vaping as a form of tobacco harm reduction

Vaping News

Parliament Returns To Work

Parliament begins to return to normality and questions about vaping are once again being raised

Vaping News

US Candidates on Vaping

The New York Times interviewed the Democrat candidates aiming to be selected to run for Presidential office about their views on vaping