Vaping News

Vaping News

Chowdhery Sees The Positive

Despite the influence of billionaire cash, the president of INNCO sees a positive direction of travel in the global approach to vaping legislation

Vaping News

News Roundup

A roundup of some recent vape and harm reduction stories from Vietnam, America, and Ireland

Vaping News

CAPHRA Slams Bloomberg-funded ‘attack’

Kiwi vaping advocacy organisation has spoken out against the recent Bloomberg-funded ‘attack’ on vaping advocates

Vaping News

More Lung Lies

Vaping causes 40% more lung disease, says a study by a researcher with a history of anti-vape propaganda

Vaping News

Irreconcilable Conflict on RegWatch

Clive Bates gives another of his compelling appearances on Regulator Watch, where he talks about tobacco control crusaders and their principle of “irreconcilable conflict”

Vaping News

WVA Welcomes MEP’s Commitment

The World Vapers’ Alliance has praised a member of the European Parliament’s commitment to vaping in the EU Beating Cancer Plan

Vaping News

Can consumers escape EU Restrictions?

The New Nicotine Alliance is hosting another in its successful series of Zoom webcasts, and this one looks at whether UK nicotine consumers can escape forthcoming EU Restrictions

Vaping News

Capewell’s Delusional Ignorance

Professor Simon Capewell has managed to display delusional ignorance once more in an uninformed attack on a forthcoming e-Cigarette conference

Vaping News

Positive Evidence About Vaping

Positive evidence about vaping shows that it works to help smokers quit despite what the nay-sayers would have you believe

Vaping News

New Laws for NZ

New legislation is now active for vapers in New Zealand, banning things and limiting harm reduction for adults in the aim of reducing a non-existent youth crisis