Vaping News

Vaping News

Catastrophic End To The Sweet Life

The Kiwi Ministry of Health is proposing to ban sweeteners in e-liquids and the largest national vape company thinks this is a bad idea

Vaping News

A Blueprint for Better Regulation

The vaping industry calls for regulatory reform to support its growing contribution to public health and the national economy as part of Government Review

Vaping News

Alternative Product Harm Perception

Researchers look at how consumers view reduced harm nicotine products and how that impacts their willingness to switch as America sees honest snus claims mailed to households

Vaping News

American Harm Reduction Attacks Spiked Tobacco Use

The American demonisation of vaping and harm reduction strategies has led to a spike in tobacco use during the Covid-19 pandemic

Vaping News

WHO’s Patronising Women

The World Health Organization has released another poor document, looking at women and tobacco, timing it for International Women’s Day

Vaping News

RightOn is Way Off

Canadian group RightOnCanada is way off the mark as it attacks the Foundation for a Smoke Free World

Vaping News

A Film for No Smoking Day

Yorkshire Cancer Research are using National No Smoking Day to educate people about ecig myths and has produced a film demystifying vaping

Vaping News

Vaping Industry condemns US ‘Vape Mail’ ban

Vaping Industry condemns US ‘Vape Mail’ ban as UK businesses feel shipping fallout

Vaping News

Second Voices 4 Vape Conference

The second Voices 4 Vape e-conference will take place on 21 March discussing “the highly restrictive, disproportionate regulations and bans that continue to be imposed on safer products”

Vaping News

Parliament Petition Call

VPZ is seeking signatures to support its demand calling for stronger support for specialist vape stores from the British government and the devolved administrations during lockdown