Latest News
Nicotine Addiction
Are we addicted to the nicotine or just the act of smoking?
"Stealth" Vaping ban by Transport for London
It has been announced that the use of electronic cigarettes has been banned on all TfL properties.
New Planet of the Vapes Site
Information about the new look Planet of the Vapes and what we have in store!
McKee’s A Jolly Good Fellow
Martin McKee is a professor of European public health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
B is for Battery
The incident of the mod exploding in Wigan gives us the opportunity to recap a couple of battery fundamentals and make some suggestions.
Mutant Clone Is Far From A Marvel
In case you have been locked away in the days of future past you might have missed the slow-burn news story from Wigan. Media coverage is littered with errors and misconceptions, social media filled with outrage and then outrage about the outrage, but what can the vaping community learn from it all?
New Advertising Rules For E-cigs
Hot on the heels of last week’s ruling regarding VIP Electronic Cigarette’s “sexy” campaign comes revised rules for e-cigarettes from the Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP) to ensure they continue to be promoted in a responsible way.
Something Totally Wicked This Way Comes
Totally Wicked, the UK's leading electronic cigarette manufacturer, has won the right to formally challenge the validity of the EU Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) at the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) in Luxembourg.
Passive Vaping
An summary of the research looking at passive vaping carried out by Ballbèa et al.
WHO report is "misguiding and alarmist"
Are the World Health Organisation aiding the confusion around e-cigarettes? A rising number of people think that they are.