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A Gateway to Tobacco Use?

Dr. Michael Siegel compares and contrasts two studies looking into e-cigarette use and teenagers.

Safety evaluation and risk assessment of electronic cigarettes

Safety evaluation and risk assessment of electronic cigarettes by Konstantinos Farsalinos and Riccardo Polosa.

Bad Science

Glantz has amply demonstrated his ability to be economical with the truth and displays severe sight impairment when looking at evidence.

The article the Carrs DON'T WANT YOU TO SEE!!

The Allen Carr school of quitting smoking school released a press release to no one today and no one read it except me.

Pseudo-science leads the way in the war on vaping

In a war for the hearts and minds of the general population no quarter is given, especially when the potential financial rewards for vested interests are so high.

The anti-vaper activists are doing a good job

A new study indicates that anti-smoker and anti-vaper activists are doing a good job (unfortunately)