Latest News
No Smoking Day Kerfuffle
Philip Morris’ managing director walks into a problem while trying to support National No Smoking Day.
NNA Call To NHS Trusts
The New Nicotine Alliance issues a call to NHS Trusts and states that government messages are still not getting through
Experts Discuss Ecig Ontology
Dr Sharon Cox, Dr Janna Hastings, Dr Caitlin Notley, and Prof Robert West discuss how to clean up the science and identify research gaps
Vaping Parents Attacked
American researchers have taken a break from relentlessly droning on about teen epidemics to have another go at adult vapers
Selbie Hits Back
Public Health England’s Duncan Selbie hits back at media coverage suggesting there is a teen vaping or gateway problem
$100M Vape Industry Tax
The U.S. President announces plans to place $100 million a year in “user fees” on the vaping industry
House of Liquid Reborn
Hugely popular House of Liquid has relaunched under its original ownership.
Pod giant Juul Labs’ U.K. division has joined the UK Vaping Industry Association
UCL Vape/HNB Study
University College London would like your help with a study investigating vape/HNB devices
Boston Study UKECRF'd
CRUK’s E-Cigarette Research Forum provides a critical overview on a recent vaping-related study