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Health & Studies

Mexican Smokers At Less Risk Of COVID-19

Research by Giannouchos, Sussman, Mier, Poulas, and Farsalinos adds to the evidence that nicotine is playing a role in reducing the risk of severe COVID-19 symptoms

Vaping News

Butthurt Stan

Stanton Glantz is still raging with butthurt following the retraction of his fraudulent heart study by The Journal of American Heart Association

Vaping News

No Waffle From Belgium

Psychology professor Frank Baeyens says that legally and politically treating vaping the same as tobacco products equality is “absolutely not a good thing”

Health & Studies

No Flavour Gateway

Researchers at the Yale School of Public Health have found that non-smoker vapers chances of using cigarettes isn’t increased by ‘child friendly’ vape flavours

Vaping News

NNA Zoom Webcast with Clive Bates

The New Nicotine Alliance hosted a webcast on Zoom last week. Guest speaker was Clive Bates who discussed whether the new TPD would be an opportunity or catastrophe

Vaping News

The Tooth of the Matter

Ohio State University researchers looked at the impact of vaping on the mouth – and managed to come up with the most ludicrous conclusion it would be possible to make

Vaping News

This Week Down Under

The COVID pandemic will have little impact on the B&M trade and World Vape Day opens up opportunities for the government

Vaping News

Efficacious Vapes

A new study shows that smokers who tried to switch to vaping quit tobacco completely and remained tobacco free

Vaping News

Snussing Out COVID

Swedish researchers have joined the growing body of people investigating whether nicotine (in the form of snus) can help mitigate the symptoms of COVID-19

Vaping News

Dr Yach and the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control

Dr Derek Yach helped develop the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control – now he’s asking for it to enter the 21st century