Health & Studies

Health & Studies

Forum Post Research Farce

University of California Riverside’s Prue ‘smoke don’t vape’ Talbot occupies her time by reading “a large online discussion forum for electronic cigarette users”

Study Highlights ‘Fear Agenda’ Impact

A study from Georgia State University highlights the deadly impact of the USA fear agenda, as more adults than ever think vaping is as or more dangerous than smoking

Great Heart News

POTV signs off 2019 with a powerful study demonstrating that switching from smoking to vaping is a great move for the heart

Health Survey for England

The latest Health Survey for England has been published and includes updates statistics for smoking behaviour

2019 NYTS Provokes Rebuke

The U.S. 2019 National Youth Tobacco Survey has provoked a strong rebuke from the Director of Strategic Initiatives at Americans for Tax Reform

Loopy Lung Reports Lambasted

Doctors investigating a ‘rare type of lung damage’ have been lambasted by genuine experts in tobacco harm reduction

Online Help Required

A researcher from Keele University is asking for vapers to help with an online study

Superjunk Science

Leaving it until the year is almost over, Bucknell University has gone public with the single worst piece of vape-related junk science of 2019

Stronger Liions

Research claims breakthrough that could lead to a future free of batteries catching fire and double the capacity for Li-ion cells

Salty Study Slammed

A group of Americans claim to have reviewed the evidence on the effects of e-cigarettes on respiratory health but it’s a pretty poor effort