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Rebuildable Atomizer Resistance Wire from Stealthvape.co.uk FEEDBACK

Nice one Jimsie thanks for letting us know. The ohms change as you use it or for the first burn?

Jim532 on ukv has suggested using a battery to anneal it

A word of caution. If just a little too much heat is applied the wire will burn. Very much like magnesium. So today I decided to eliminate that risk as the only lighter I have is my turbo lighter.
So take a standard 18650/14500 or whatever you have. Then using a couple of wires connect one end to the battery & the other to the Titanium wire. Do the same with both positive & negative & touch the wire with each polarity about 3cm/1" apart for about 2 seconds. The wire will glow & that's the same as burning it with your lighter without the risk of your wire going up like a roman candle. Then move along the wire & repeat until you have prepared enough wire for your coil. Or you could always prepare more of the wire for future coils whilst you are there.
Ok so I have clips & a battery holder. But I didn't use those. I just had a battery & 2 lengths of wire & took it from there. Even a battery & a couple of teaspoons would do the job. I am rushing this post as got an atty to finish. Therefore I hope I have explained it so that its easy to understand. Took a couple of pics as they say more than words.
Hoping that saves the frustration of burning away a few cm of your expensive Titanium wire as I did mine.


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    Titanium wire 2.jpg
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  • Titanium wire.jpg
    Titanium wire.jpg
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  • Titanium coil 2.jpg
    Titanium coil 2.jpg
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Hi Rob, yeah had thought about annealing it on a pp9 9v but only ones I have are in the smoke alarms and my metre. Not sure why its cutting out on the vamo though :confused:
Seems to start at 1.6ohms then after you fire it it goes up to 2.0ohms. Seems to drop when it's cold. What are you using your wire on? Really need to get a rebuildable but moneys tight. Had to order heating oil 0.73p per litre :( By the way, juice tastes better, using some RY4
Yeah, it does seem to taste better.

I was one of the lucky ones that got a prototype UKVA so I'm chuffing away on that. Might get one made from titanium as I'm no15 on the list I think :)
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