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Indigene Early birds for the January Sale ...


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jul 18, 2012
Im posting this here early (will send out mail shots etc tomorrow

The current Indigene eLiquids being so very tobacco based - we feel they are an ideal jump for new smokers trying to stop (this is not a claim that Indigene can make you stop - for any busy bodies reading - merely that for those looking for tobaccos Indigene among many others may well be a good place for new quitters to start)

As such we are reducing the prices site wide by 25% for the entirety of January.

Also - one thing that has been irking me since we started on this project is postage - Indigene is shipped from the same premises as Manabush, but currently for us there is no easy way (separate sites, separate businesses) to pass over postage savings from one site to another from those who are ordering from both.

This should go someway to helping with that - anyone ordering from both Manabush (also having a sale!) and Indigene eLiquid - use the code "igotmanabush" in the INDIGENE checkout (this will not work in the Manabush Checkout) - this will give you FREE postage on Indigene and is ONLY applicable for those ordering from the two sites in one postage day (ie: before 3pm cutoff) - this will be checked so please don't use the code if you are ordering only from the one site ....

The only downside to this so far (I'm working on it!) - is you can only use one discount code at a time .. hence putting the sale ste wide instead of using a code.

Have a great New year all!

Indigene Eliquid
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