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Win Ijoy Avenger 270 Kit, Artificial Intelligent for Voice Control

# Post 3
I'm liking the Saber!
Star wars games a plenty!
#4 The tank uses mesh coils which I think might be the future of premade coils, but what do I know lol :D

Also can be made into a huuuuge 4.7ml tank :)
#5 I like that you can tell it to lock/unlock device. That could be very useful! Would like to know what increments it goes up/down with when using the 'power high/power low' commands.
#1 I think it's a new idea that others will probably copy in time. I like it.
#2. I have quite a thick Scottish accent so I'd have to put my posh voice on to use it but I manage that with my phone already so I think I could work it pretty well with practice.
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