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Too Isolate , too not isolate that is the question

It´s a tricky one.

I can just relate my own case (happened days ago).

My parents got the bug somehow. Despite I dont live with them, they visit their grandson regularly at home... or we go to theirs.

Dad started feeling bad on 22th november, one day after having the 1st Pfizer jab. They both got it. Before that, they got the single Janssen jab on april.
We all thought that could be originated as a side effect of the vaccine. But it wasnt...
I was even on he same car with him, once; luckily, none of us took off the mask.
A couple of days after, he started suffering fever around 39º C and feeling very bad. Mom was OK, just feeling like a regular cold.

27th november they purchased some antigen tests and realized both were postive. All alarms on.
Fatal coincidence as you can see. :(

I called to my work inmediately to notify it, as I was in direct contact with them. Same day me and Ms tested NEGATIVE.
At work I only was in contact with my regular department mate, which was also notified. Nobody else. But I just couldnt go back to the office since then.

A day after my dad was hospitalized with a severe case of pneumonia. He´s at home now, 9 days after, a bit trashy but kicking and alive. Getting better. Also mom.

Along those days I paid for several more tests, all negative...
Nonetheless, I remote worked (luckily I can), didnt go anywhere, and of course not contacted with other people out of my bubble.

The moral of this is:
I think we cannot be shelfish on certain scenarios.
We must be very careful, especially if you have indicators.
Otherwise spreading will never stop , prolonging this terrible situation more than necessary.

Sorry for the speech.
It´s a tricky one.

I can just relate my own case (happened days ago).

My parents got the bug somehow. Despite I dont live with them, they visit their grandson regularly at home... or we go to theirs.

Dad started feeling bad on 22th november, one day after having the 1st Pfizer jab. They both got it. Before that, they got the single Janssen jab on april.
We all thought that could be originated as a side effect of the vaccine. But it wasnt...
I was even on he same car with him; luckily, none of us take off the mask.
A couple of days after, he started suffering fever around 39º C and feeling very bad. Mom was OK, just feeling like a regular cold.

27th november they purchased some antigen tests and realized both were postive. All alarms on.
Fatal coincidence as you can see. :(

I called to my work inmediately to notify it, I was in direct contact with them. Same day me and ms tested NEGATIVE.
At work I only was in contact with my regular department mate, which was also notified. Nobody else. But I just couldnt go back to the office since then.

A day after my dad was hospitalized with a severe case of pneumonia. He´s at home now, 9 days after, a bit thasy but kicking and alive. Getting better. Also mom.

Along those days I paid for several more tests, all negative...
Nonetheless, I remote worked (luckily I can), didnt go anywhere, and of course not contacted with other people out of my bubble.

The moral of this is:
I think we cannot be shelfish on certain scenarios.
We must be very careful, especially if you have indicators.
Otherwise spreading will not stop never, therefore, we will prolong this terrible situation more than necessary.

Sorry for the speech.
Glad there doing better.
Got pinged yesterday by the NHS app. Then had to go to work for 10 hours, mixing with the public and colleagues before I could go for my test.

Given the results are a minimum of 24 hours, I will be doing the same tomorrow.

I have done Lateral Flow tests and they are negative. I feel fine but it feels incredibly uncomfortable to me to go to work and potentially spread it further in the event that I am a carrier.
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