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Did you go out today?


May 29, 2015
Yes, I didn't plan to, but my wife needed an egg. I got a half dozen medium sized full range for £1.70, plus some bread and milk (both required), no need to go out tomorrow. I think I'm getting fatter.
Only went out into the garden today. Back to work tomorrow though.
We didn't go out yesterday or today except for in the garden. Back to work tomorrow unfortunately.
Went shops monday night and not left the house till saturday, went to waitrose and spend 15mins queuing in the car park, bought some food for the week should be covered till next week I reckon, beer stocks running low so may have to venture out again midweek
Had to get some supplies this morning but waited until evening to make sure it really was just a bad hangover after all and therefore not a risk to the general public.
Just to add. We did the shopping after I got home from work on Thursday because I thought the queues at the supermarket would be worse on Saturday ( our normal day). Going on what I've heard, that was a wise choice.
You gonna live in your PJs now?
It's bloody freezing and the house is taking a while to warm up after the storage heaters cooled down when we had a power cut. So for the weekend at least it's been pjs, two dressing gowns and a duvet. I may have a re-think tomorrow ........... see how it goes ............. ;)
You gonna live in your PJs now?

In England it would be a dressing gown as well, my wife is Welsh and has never understood why the English are obsessed with them (her words). I'm like "Don't you wear them in Wales as well, and do all Welsh women dump their previously just worn knickers on the floor?"
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