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Covid19 and the great reset


It's 2023. Here's How We Fixed the Global Economy

Fuck me, they are started by removing Spain from the map. Now Im pretty fuched up. Mneh... we deserve that and more.

Jokes apart.

Didnt know about this reset thing, and I find it possible and frightening
Fuck me, they are started by removing Spain from the map. Now Im pretty fuched up. Mneh... we deserve that and more.

Jokes apart.

Didnt know about this reset thing, and I find it possible and frightening
Well spotted on the globe picture.
2030 seems to be a bit of a key year for the wef, not sure how far they will push it in this pandemic but pretty certain we'll come out of it with lots of things in place that mean less physical cash is used and less physical businesses that have struggled to or cannot make the move to digital commerce.

Problem with a cashless society is nobody can keep those jars full of change or a whiskey bottle full of pound coins or money under the mattress for a rainy day. It all goes into a digital system never to leave again which only really benefits the centralised banks. Then you're trading according to how many of those numbers are allocated to you to use and if you're switched off from that system there's nothing to fall back on so you're screwed and totally controlled.

I guess its inevitable more things will be moved online so I want to find out why organisations such as this are so obsessed with influencing the way we live work and spend and why they seem to have such a powerful sway over the governments of western Europe.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau appeared as part of a United Nations video conference on Tuesday where he discussed Canada’s planned contribution to helping the global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. As the global coronavirus pandemic hit, Trudeau said he and other leaders met to discuss the “fundamental gaps and inequities” both within and between our societies. The “pandemic provided an opportunity for a reset,” and to “re-imagine economic systems,” Trudeau said.

Can you link the point in the video that tells me "What is the great reset"? Or can you tell me?
Is it one of them shite conspiracy theory videos?
Hi knome
The video is 4 mins and 32 seconds long and it was made by the world economic forum and posted on their official world economic forum youtube channel on the 25th January.
Hi knome
The video is 4 mins and 32 seconds long and it was made by the world economic forum and posted on their official world economic forum youtube channel on the 25th January.
But I don't want to watch it if it just babbles on and doesn't explain "The Great Reset".
Thanks, anyway. :)
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