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CBD VAPES by herbal tides

I'll have a full review coming soon bud (y)

Don't usually review, but it may help chronic pain sufferers.

I'm actually most interested in the anxiety reduction properties, without divulging too much I've been on several legal campaigns for a certain herb and would be interested in seeing CBD in action in this form.
i would be very interested in trying this , i used to smoke high cbd strains to ease back pain and help me sleep , but had to give it up when they introduced random tests at work . as this contains no thc there are no worries on failing tests so would be ideal for me . bit expensive but would be nice to have one in the cupbord if needed
So do you get high off this stuff or what? Is it legal?
You don't get a high from it fella. Although as you're so relaxed I wouldn't recommend driving.

It is perfectly legal, its taken from Hemp plants which you can legally grow with a license issued by the government. CBD oils available on the high street from Holland and Barret last time I checked, also amazon.
So do you get high off this stuff or what? Is it legal?
It's not ahing has such,thc is the active compound in weed that gets you high,cbd is used as medicine and had relaxing calming qualitys, which is what this does. Just really puts you in a mellowed out place
So can you buy this from Holland and Barrett and add it to vg/pg?
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