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Review Review of the Torch RDA by Orieco from mechmode.com


Mar 18, 2014
This RDA (Rebuildable Dripper Atomizer) was supplied by the kind team at Mech Mode for the purpose of this build and review.

This review is written from my prospective, new to the world of rebuilds, I am always reading reviews and watching lots of videos by experienced users of RDA, and wanted to write it from the view of someone looking to take the first steps of the journey into trying them out.

This Torch RDA came in a simple blue box, with the stainless steel dripper inside, plus 2 pieces silica
wick, 2 pieces of coil wire, 2 spare rubber gaskets, and 3 little rubber caps, (not sure what they are for).

The dripper is made of stainless Steele, and the top cap is cone shaped.

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