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Potv vapefest photo thread 2015


Staff member
Jul 11, 2012
I'm feeling suspiciously organised...or bored, could be either! So I sat here thinking about the weekend and thought we should be prepared and have all our vapefest photos in one place! Now, every year I mean to take piccies and every year I completely forget so it's up to you lovely guys and gals to fill this thread up for me :D I know some folks are getting there tomorrow so I fully expect a blow by blow account of the festivities as they happen, the messier the better!
I'll get the ball rolling with the mystery chest :P now whoever wins it in the raffle will need to let everyone know what's in it muahahahaha


OK here is a quick pic of the Diche mobile waiting for the AA man
In my professional opinion, its broke :D

Have a good one this weekend, look forward to the piccies ;)

All fixed and arrived and drinking, it was definitely a case of stupidity rather than anything serious.
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