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Sat 22, what's the trick then ?

Another 24 hours later...

I left it at home while at work & now i've had a nice afternoon sleep & a cuppa, refilled the tank with my ry4 & well, it's quite a pleasant vape now.
I'm torn between the the top caps, the intended one with the factory air holes (that came with it) is ok but the one i drilled out give a fuller vape with less effort.
Whether anyone else would want to drill out their clone is up to them but having two at least i get the choice, no harm done.
This is my first genny - proper, previously i tinkered with little things like the IGO-S. That explains some of my teething issues.
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I have a shitty Sat22 clone.

Tried to put a 2mm ss rope with mesh and ribbon build in it... melted the insulator.

I no longer have a Sat 22 clone.
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