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Rediscovered RSST love

Cheers will check them out FT is not really my speed..... Life's too short :)

Sent from (who cares) using Planet of the Vapes
Ive just got another RSST and i still prefer my taifunGT....

Tried it with silica, mesh and ss rope...oh and 4mm vodoowool and i just cant get along with it.....

Its easy enough to set up, but i think i might stick it in the classies... :(

Sent From My Galaxy S4
Never really had much love for the RSST. As a genny it was never as good as the Aga-T, as an auto dripper it wasn't as good as a dripper, etc etc...dunno if I was doing it wrong but I just never fell in love with it.
I found the trick with mine was crafting a chamber reducer from a wine cork. Problem was I then got lots of other attys.

I recently dragged it out, cleaned it recoiled and wicked it to give to my brother as part of a kit with a dripper, nemesis cells and charger.

When I was testing it out I thought "I really should have given this a bash sooner, its pretty damned good"

Last build was 2mm airhole, reduced chamber, .7 ohm .45 kanthal micro coil and cotton wick. Simple reliable set up that just works well. I might have to get another in glass at this rate.
I have my Pulse G clone set up with 24 gauge A1 kanthal in dual coil/wick at 0.4 ohms mode with 400 grade SS with the top part covered with cotton wisps wrapped around it or strings of muslin. Either using the cotton or muslin stops hotspots/legs as there's zero chance of shorting and ensures the coils make good contact with the juice. Also drilled out the air holes to 2mm. Vapes like crazy! Only thing is I've got to reduce my nicotine. Always vaped at 24mg with my cartos and clearos but this is a whole new league. I get buzzing with 1-2 vapes and headaches after about 5 puffs! Huge clouds too.
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