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Vape Expo roll call

Sorry it was only a 30ml mate! I knocked it up at home and only had my 30ml bottles I use for making test liquids.

Was great to see you and everyone else though, made the trip worth it.
No probs on the bottle size bud, good marketing as it means I'll order more sooner :rofl: (did Liz teach you that :D)
Jeez didn't think my driving was that bad :D. Had a feeling it'd be tough going back home, pm or ring if you need a chat bud.
Was a good weekend. Meeting old friends @Chris K @JustDave @vapesmarter & the new member @LDotKDot (Chris' boss :rotflmao:). Had a chat with @Steampugs & Nick Evans who gave me a lovely presentation box of his new range. Don't worry Chris I passed a few of your samples to them & first impressions were favourable. With a bit of luck you'll get a mention on their live stream. We had a good, honest chat with Phil Bursado & Dimitri about disposables in general & the negative effects they were having.
Certainly wasn't a vapers show, after all it's primarily a trade show. Found a couple of new juices to try, nearly got tempted by a new RDA from Suicide, and got to play with the new Dovpo squonker (been taken off the maybe list & put on the no chance list:D). Did get to meet Nigel from SVB who had a couple of stunning new mods :love:that Liz was going to do a runner with but Chris wouldn't have kept up.

Big thanks to Chris for the secret juice mix, still vaping it mate.
And thanks to Martin for the company over the weekend, liver isn't in shock & nor is the wallet.

Glad you’re all aware I’m the boss and not the PA! Lol

Might have something for you soon @nwhornet
Jeez didn't think my driving was that bad :D. Had a feeling it'd be tough going back home, pm or ring if you need a chat bud.
Was a good weekend. Meeting old friends @Chris K @JustDave @vapesmarter & the new member @LDotKDot (Chris' boss :rotflmao:). Had a chat with @Steampugs & Nick Evans who gave me a lovely presentation box of his new range. Don't worry Chris I passed a few of your samples to them & first impressions were favourable. With a bit of luck you'll get a mention on their live stream. We had a good, honest chat with Phil Bursado & Dimitri about disposables in general & the negative effects they were having.
Certainly wasn't a vapers show, after all it's primarily a trade show. Found a couple of new juices to try, nearly got tempted by a new RDA from Suicide, and got to play with the new Dovpo squonker (been taken off the maybe list & put on the no chance list:D). Did get to meet Nigel from SVB who had a couple of stunning new mods :love:that Liz was going to do a runner with but Chris wouldn't have kept up.

Big thanks to Chris for the secret juice mix, still vaping it mate.
And thanks to Martin for the company over the weekend, liver isn't in shock & nor is the wallet.
Nah it was just me being a wuss, feeling guilty for going out. Had a chat with the Mrs ashes and furniture didn't start crashing about, but she never used to mind me going anyway.

Oh and a big thanks for that Yoda engraved squonker, will get plenty of use.

I thought it was the steamcrave squonk atty you didn't like, the one with the tit sticking out the side?
Nah it was just me being a wuss, feeling guilty for going out. Had a chat with the Mrs ashes and furniture didn't start crashing about, but she never used to mind me going anyway.

Oh and a big thanks for that Yoda engraved squonker, will get plenty of use.

I thought it was the steamcrave squonk atty you didn't like, the one with the tit sticking out the side?
Didn't like the SC Pumper either, that memorable I'd forgot about it :D
Throw @Chris K a challenge & he comes up trumps. Top secret but big thanks mate, exceeded my expectations & your mum likes it too :D
Thanks mate! Glad you got on with it.

I like a challenge! Working on two more at moment that couple of people on here suggested but abit more “normal” than your request! :18:

Mine is normal (for me) and I have seen the other suggestions, they won't be disappointed.
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