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POTV Gentleman's Snusing Circle - Opening soon :D

Each to their own Andy, I class myself as a proper hard core smoker for over 35 years and unless those little bags have dramatically changed since I tried them "albeit for a very short time" I would much rather go back to rolling up a newspaper and taking a few draws of that for a hit.
I'm out for one simple reason,I would need wear my dentures full time and as they are bloody uncomfortable I'll just continue vaping. :)

Sent by lazer from just north of the world's largest nuclear dustbin
I'm not actually convinced I would enjoy it, but I would throw my name in the hat in support of the taste test "gentlemen" lol.
What do I have to, do it on camera? Other than that, its different.
Is this snus the same as "Skol Bandits" from donkeys years ago? All sounds very similar to me?
I've just ordered from Northerner and they've got mini offroad liquorice for less than £1 a can....Thunder Frosted Extra Strong Portion would blow my head off!
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