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Review Delosi Single Flavor Tests by SessionDrummer

Marshmallow Cereal (Delosi) 5% (1-21-21) – Back at it !!! When I saw this one I had to have it, as my current champion was Purilum’s Strawberry Marshmallow Cereal, hands down. VERY hard for any other to approach that level, but test on, we shall. Had to finish two tanks to get a firm nail down on this one. There were some cereal elements, but they were much lower in the mix. The MM was the leader here, and while pretty good, didn’t have lots of mouthfeel to it. As a “cereal” marshmallow, it’s actually really good, as it captured the little almost dusted tiny MM’s found in cereals, and not a campfire, or sticky MM. Sweetness was obviously above mid level, but not cloying, no off-putting notes, and 2 tanks later, wasn’t sick of it. As billed, I have to knock it down as the “cereal” was just too laid back. If you DO need mini cereal type marshmallows, this will work GREAT, just don’t expect much cereal from it. Leaving it at a 7/10 as billed, but if it were just “Tiny Cereal type Marshmallows” I’d have to go 9.9/10.

Peanut Butter (Delosi) 5% (1-9-21) – My vaping of Peanut Butters has fallen into TWO categories. Darker/Saltier or Sweeter/Creamier. Delosi seems to have almost bridged the gap with their Peanut Butter, because it appeared to be BOTH. Your PB needs will differ, so which one(s) you use, will differ as well. I’ve always liked CAP’s PB for it’s sweet, creamy, almost Jiff like qualities, but I always got an off/burned note on the tail end. This one, had both salty/dark and creamy/sweet qualities. Maybe split 50/50 but hard to say for sure. Sweetness was mid level, and with no off notes throwing it off track, I couldn’t find fault with it. It was an interesting take on PB as it literally seemed to straddle both worlds. If you are looking for a only salty, or only sweet, this one might not be for you. For a natural tasting PB that covered almost the entire PB spectrum, this one might be for you. 9.5/10.

Pina Colada (Delosi) 5% (1-9-21) – Having not tested Delosi’s Pineapple yet, I’m assuming this is a pairing of the two. My older review of their Coconut revealed a perfect score (IMO), so was curious to see how I liked this one. Most times Pinas are just a coconut/pineapple combo with MAYBE a cherry on top. I didn’t get any cherry in this one, but (as expected) did get a great coco pineapple combo. My old coconut friend was back, and just as good, and paired with a pineapple. Because I love Delosi’s coconut soo much it was hard to focus on the pineapple notes, but they paired the two nicely. Same creamy coconut was present, but not as full because it was cut with the pineapple. The pineapple was a nice, even one with not a lot of bright, high end sparkle, but that could be the fault of the rich and creamy coconut smothering any hehe. All in, a nice, mid level sweet, tropical drink in a gif. Nothing fancy, nothing pretentious, just good. Throughout the tester, I did keep thinking, “Why’d you water down my creamy coconut” hehe. The coco did manage to rise above the pineapple in the mix, and that worked fine. Minor kickdowns for no sparkly, high end punch notes on the pineapple, but a great combo flavor none the less. Solidly a 8.5/10.

Pineapple (Delosi) 5% (1-26-21) – The more Pineapples I test, the more obvious it becomes that it’s NOT as easy to come up with a good one as you would think. My current mega-champion is:

VTA Sugarloaf Pineapple
I didn’t think Delosi’s would knock it off it’s perch, and it didn’t. This one smelled great at 5% in the bottle, and after a short steep and vape, it seemed to be a little lack-luster or hollow. There was a good Pineapple in there, but it was just very relaxed. Overall it was fairly natural and seemed to hover in the mid-region of the spectrum, with not as much going on in the darker, or brighter/punchier areas. It could be a very light Pineapple Juice. Continued vaping didn’t reveal any florals, and possible pushing it higher would bolster it a bit, but not sure. Sweetness was a tick above mid level which was fine for a sweet pineapple. I just kept wishing it had more presence. All in, not terrible by any means, just not terribly present, at least at this testing weight. Fresh, fairly natural, with nothing off-putting, and would DEF. work out in bolstering a Pineapple slurry, just NOT the main star. 6.5/10.

Raspberry (Delosi) 5% (1-9-21) – Having not had great luck with Delosi’s fruits thus far, was looking to see if this broke the trend, and it did. Took me over a tank to try and nail it down, but I did. It was an interestingly somewhat laid back Raspberry at 5%, but it defied analysis. It wasn’t a darker berry, nor a brighter punchier one, but one smack dab in the middle of the spectrum. It’s not Medicine Flower, Sobucky, or VSO, but it held it’s own. Just imagine a Raspberry with some of the darker and punchy high end notes culled, and this is it. It actually was surprisingly a good Raspberry, as it centered in the mid spectrum. Just slightly tart, but not bright, and lower than mid level sweet, and it almost had a gritty-ness to it, which kept it interesting. I think the gritty-ness was similar to almost like the sandy grit from a fresh pear. Just in texture not in taste. Not jammy, not a candy, and it did favor more of a natural flavor. At first I wasn’t sure it it was going to work, but with no off-putting florals, and an interesting smooth, mid-spectrum RB, it was a good vape. 8.4/10.

Sugar Cookie (Delosi) 5% (1-10-21) – Lotsa Sugar Cookie flavors out there, and most seem to center around a lighter Vanilla Cookie. This one was devoid of any V, which would open up it’s usage to a wider mixing array, and it was somewhat darker than most others. Some butter, but not buttery rich, and the bakery notes were convincing, and you could almost taste some brown sugar. Sweetness was at about mid level, and it felt perfect @ 5%. No dough, cinnamon, vanilla, or choco chips here, but a really good, blank canvas Sugar Cookie. Finished two tester tanks trying to find faults/ off notes, but they weren’t to be found. Because it was so full at this weight, and with no identifiable flavors you could really use this anywhere you need a cookie, and push/pull it from there. You could even ADV it, as is as well.
For a great neutral sugar cookie, without any added flavors, this one could end up on your shelf. Nicely placed @ 9.2/10.

Sweet Cream (Delosi) 5% (1-21-21) – There only used to be a few SC’s out there, but now, there’s quite a few. Some keep to the traditional “sweet” cream, which is just an absence of a sour cream, others are actually sweet/sweetened. This one actually had some sweetness to it, and some relaxed creamery elements. Assuming dik/daap free it was missing a lot of the richness and mouthfeel that many have. Not terrible, no BA notes, no buttery-ness, just not as present as you’d probably want when using a “cream”. Could be used as a base mixer, but probably not as a top cream element. Sweetness while present, was lower than mid level, and worked for this profile. Some kick downs for a slightly thinner, and less creamy cream. 6/10.

Sweet Vanillin (Delosi) 3% (1-10-21) – Having never tried Vanillin before, had to science the shit out of it. Apparently Vanilla has over 250 flavor compounds, whereas Vanillin has 1. With that said, I wasn’t expecting a full spectrum here. My firstest first thoughts were, “Vanilla meets Cotton Candy”. It’s not that I was getting EM, but I can see why they call it Sweet Vanillin. It did taste like a simpler, cleaner Vanilla, that was fairly sweetened. @3% it seemed high enough, and was above mid level sweet. Because of it’s lack of depth (missing compounds) I could see this as an additive/enhancer more than a main note. For what it was, it was a good, simple, sweetened Vanilla, that was fairly bright, without much of the darker/fuller undertones in regular vanillas. For a brighter, simpler, sweetened Vanilla, this one will fit your bill. 9/10.

Toasted Marshmallow (Delosi) 5% (1-9-21) – It can be hard often times to review Marshmallows. Everyone knows about the mouthfeel, sometimes sticky-ness, and also in mixes to smooth out some of the rough edges. When SFT you never know how the flavor will work in mixes. At 5% this one was a nice, almost velvety Marshmallow with moderate mouth feel. Not sticky, but nice and full at this testing weight, with all the fluff and characteristics you’d expect from a MM. I could pick up on some toasted elements riding on the top, and overall it was realistic. While maybe not the thickest MM out there, it held it’s own throughout the tank. Above mid level sweetness (DUH, marshmallow), and no off-putting notes, it was an easy vape to keep vaping. Some vanilla notes, but not overly so, leaving this one usable wherever you needed a good toasted MM. It def. leaned towards a campfire marshmallow and not a cereal marshmallow. For a good marshmallow with some toasted notes, with good mouthfeel, and mid-level sweetness, this one works, and works well. 9.3/10.

Vanilla Cream (Delosi) 5% (1-10-20) – This one smelled almost TOO good when mixing it up, so was glad to finally get to test it. I can now see why, because it WAS that good when vaping it !! It was interesting they billed it as a V. Cream, not a V. Ice Cream, because it they could have. A deliciously light, vanilla cream, that wandered between a milk shake of sorts, then back to more of an ice cream. No malt, but just a perfectly clean, vanilla cream. At 5% it was lighter, and I couldn’t tell if it would have been better at 4% or not, but even at 5%, had no signs of hitting the ceiling. Nicely sweet, and the creamy-ness added to the overall mouthfeel. Not heavy handed, or buttery rich like LB’s, but just more of a “clean” vanilla cream. Maybe similar to Sobucky’s offerings tested here, and just as clean, yet somewhat laid back. No off-notes, no pepper, at all, just an overwhelming sense of “clean vanilla cream”. 2 tanks gone, still can’t find fault with it, and mixing wise, I might think 2-4% would be good, and depending on what it’s pared with it might need a boost, but might not. All in, this was an excellent clean, vanilla cream, that doesn’t disappoint, and leaves you wanting more. Cleanly stable @ 9.9/10.

Vanilla Yogurt (Delosi) 5% (1-21-21) – I eat yogurt, but have never been a huge fan of vaping it, so this one was tested with pause. Smelling it in the bottle didn’t reveal any sour / culture notes, so I figured I was safe. Vaping it revealed none of either, but what I noticed, was without them, it wasn’t very yogurt-y. Hmmmm, interesting. At first I thought, maybe it’s one of those sweetened non-yogurty yogurts, but even after 2 tanks, I became convinced, it just wasn’t a yogurt. It was good, as I got through 2 tankfuls, but despite the almost creamy, somewhat vanilla-y nature, it never went to yogurt-ville. It almost reminded me of a vanilla meets a condensed milk more than anything else. Nothing off-putting, and seemed fine at 5%, with sweetness at about mid level. I’ve yet to test Delosi’s Condensed Milk, but I’ll be interested to see if there’s some of THIS, in THERE. As billed, would have to go down to a 4.5/10 not because it was bad, just because of the not yogurt.
Thanks mate for doing these single flavour tests and sharing your thoughts on them. As the Noted crew on YouTube notoriously often say about Delosi flavours that many are “delightfully mediocre” but it sounds like when they do good it’s bloody good.
Roger that @Lucas James 27. Some were GREAT, some were middling, and some were "WTF ??!!".

Thus far (to MY tastes), the real must haves are:

  • Coconut 10/10
  • Watermelon 9.25/10
  • Custard 9.8/10
  • Glazed Donut 9.9/10
  • Graham Cracker 9.5/10
  • Peanut Butter 9.5/10
  • Vanilla Cream 9.9/10
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